A Midsummer Night’s Dream Dennis Han, Sangwoo Song, Joseph Kim
A story about fairies and men Take place in Athens 1 st Conflict: Lysander and Demetrius both loving Hermia Hermia and Lysnader fall in love with each other ->Hermia’s father disagrees Hermia and Lysander decides to leave Athens to marry -> tells Helena, best friend of Hermia Helena goes to Demetrius, and tells the secret of H&L. Demetrius goes to chase Hermia and Lysander -> Helena chases Demetrius to get his love Meanwhile two other lovers, Oberon and Titania, fights between a boy: Oberon wants him as servant, Titania wants to raise him in luxury and happiness Oberon plans to put spell on Titania and blackmail her to let go of the boy, In addition, he(Oberon) orders Puck to put in Demetrius’s eyes, to fulfill Helena’s desire of getting his love. Puck obtains a flower with love potion; potion that makes a person fall in love with the first thing he/she see. Oberon put it in Titania’s eyes while she is asleep, while Puck put it in Lysander’s eyes, mistaking him for Demetrius Lysander falls in love with Helena, and ran off with Helena, leaving Hermia behind. Puck, in order to stop the crisis, puts another drop in Demetrius’s eyes-> Demetrius fall in love with Helena Helena gets confused, gets angry, thinking it is all trick to mock her Oberon undo the spell on the lovers and Titania, getting what he wanted Demetrius fall in love with Helena, and Hermia and Lysander back together
Puck ♡ Titania Puck was like the king of the Fairies Titania Offers food, comfortable bed They sleep Oberon’s revenge it was very successful and Oberon enjoys his success at first Later Oberon regret his revenge Oberon undo the magic(orders Puck) Titania When she wakes up… She is very surprised and embarrassed of sleeping with a ass-headed man Result Oberon wins the Boy Demetrius(love Potion) ♡ Helena Lysander ♡ Hermia
Enmity: "A feeling or condition of hostality." Paragon: "a model or pattern of excellence or of a particular excellence." Coronet: "a crown worn by nobles or peers." Methinks: “It seems to me.“ Solemnity: “the state or character of being solemn; gravity; earnestness” Morrow: “morning” Wot (wit): “to know.” Expound: “to set forth or state in detail.” mar: “to damage or spoil to a certain extent” nought (naught) : “nothing” apparel: “clothing” peradventure: “maybe; possibly; perhaps.” gaud: “a showy ornament or trinket.” forester: “a person who is expert in forestry.” visage: “the face, usually with reference to shape, features, expression, etc.; countenance.”
Before we start… You don’t have to answer in the question form Group 1. Brian Kwon, Su Jin, Hannah, Hyun Group 2. Hee Jae, Brian Moon, Jun Woo, David Group 3. Joshua, Sangwoo Nam, Lisa, Staci Group 4. Se June, Ryan, Britney
Plot ACT 4 Vocab Bonus
he orders Puck to put in Demetrius’s eyes, to fulfill Helena’s desire of getting his love. Who is “he” ? Oberon
What is the causes of four lovers’ adventure? Puck uses the love potion on Lysander and Lysander falls in love with Helena
Demetrius loved/loves A.Lysander B.Hermia C.Helena D.Titania E.Both B and C E is the correct answer
In the beginning of Act 4… A.Helena ♡ Hermia B.Titania ♡ Oberon C.Puck ♡ Bottom D.Bottom ♡ Titania D is the correct answer
What is the missing letters? Oberon’s revenge was _ u _ c e _ _ f _ l S, c, s, s, u
Who does Puck apply the Love potion? Demetrius so he can love Helena
Define Enmity A feeling or condition of hostality."
Define Visage the face, usually with reference to shape, features, expression, etc.; countenance.”
Define Paragon Model of Perfection
Who is the BEST teacher in KIS ? Ms. Jacob…! Winner wins the Candy…