???????THE QUESTION??????? The question has been asked since the early seventies. Which is better Marvel comics or Dc comics?
Spiderman vs. Superman In the comic Spiderman vs. superman is the rivalry between DC and Marvel Comics. They are the two largest comic publishers in America. So anything that meant there alliance was unthinkable. There were plenty of stories showing Batman and Superman working together. But fans say Batman and Spider- Man working together is never going to happen.
Pictures This picture was made by a fan of both dc and marvel because some of the dc characters are winning and some of the marvel characters are winning.
Marvel History Marvel is a comic book company owned by Marvel inc. it was founded in 1939 as timely publications and was generally known as atlas comics. Marvel has since been one of the biggest comic company's in America, closely followed by DC comics.
Marvel and Dc comics Rivalry The two comic company’s have been fighting for years over the top spot for best comics. Marvel, due to having its own publishing company, doesn’t have to pass ideas through other company’s. DC comics on the other hand must pass all ideas through Warner bros.
The End!