Secondary Mathematics Leadership Meeting February 20, 2014
AGENDA Welcome Announcements Ice Breaker Scope & Sequence Review Breakouts Middle School – Library High School – Cafeteria Evaluations & Closure
FACT, FICTION, or TRICK STATEMENT 1)The Curriculum Department needs teachers to volunteer for curriculum writing for the new MS and HS TEKS. (Fiction: teachers will be paid to provide input and feedback) 2)The importance of the Department Chair’s role will be heightened during this period of implementing new MS and HS TEKS. (Truth: since we will not have trainings specific to the new TEKS, attendance at DC meetings is crucial for learning about and sharing important information needed for student success on STAAR.)
FACT, FICTION, or TRICK STATEMENT 3)The only STAAR mathematics test on which students may use calculators is the Algebra I EOC. (Trick Statement: this is currently true, but beginning in , Grade 8 Math STAAR REQUIRES the use of hand-held graphing calculators.) 4)The district-wide AP Initiative applies only to AP Calculus. (Fiction: it also involves using SpringBoard as a resource in middle school mathematics classrooms.)
FACT, FICTION, or TRICK STATEMENT 5)The Curriculum Department provides curriculum only for the schools involved with the PowerUp initiative. (Trick Statement: The PowerUp curriculum is available for all teachers to use; the new MS curriculum planning guides will include PowerUp connections as well.)
DOOR PRIZES Please Return all materials to the table bags. Remember to pick up any trash that may be in or around your area.
BREAKOUT SESSIONS Middle School Library High School Cafeteria
2013 – 2014 Write: New Curriculum Teach: Current TEKS + Transition Content Test: Current TEKS 2014 – 2015 Teach: New TEKS Test: Overlap Content 2015 – 2016 Teach: New TEKS Test: New TEKS TRANSITION TIMELINE to the New 6 – 8 TEKS HS Transition is one year behind MS.
IMPLEMENTING the NEW 6 – 8 TEKS What’s being taught when? A vertical look at the new TEKS: Proportional and Algebraic Reasoning Order the TEKS strips onto the blank template: grade 8 at the top to grade 3 at the bottom Any surprises? Ah-ha’s?
HB 5 UPDATE Prescribed graduation plan for HISD students will default to endorsement plan All freshmen ( ) other grade levels may opt in for endorsements Only STEM and multidisciplinary have above Algebra II requirement Algebra II is considered an advanced math
FOUNDATION ADVANCED COURSES SBOE RULE * Mathematical Models with ApplicationsAP Calculus BC * Mathematical Applications in Agriculture Food and Natural Resources AP Computer Science * Digital ElectronicsIB Mathematical Studies Standard Level (SL) * Robotics Programming and DesignIB Mathematics SL Algebra IIIB Mathematics Higher Level (HL) PrecalculusIB Further Mathematics HL Advanced Quantitative ReasoningEngineering Mathematics Independent Study in MathStatistics & Risk Management Discrete Mathematics for Com Discrete Mathematics for Problem SolvingDiscrete Mathematics for Computer Science AP Statisticslocally developed math course or other activity [pursuant to TEC, §28.002(g-1)] AP Calculus ABmathematics course endorsed by an IHE [pursuant to TEC, §28.025(b-5)] Algebraic Reasoning (in development for implementation in ) Statistics (in development for implementation in )
ENDORSEMENT ADVANCED COURSES SBOE RULE Algebra IIIB Mathematical Studies Standard Level (SL) PrecalculusIB Mathematics SL Advanced Quantitative ReasoningIB Mathematics Higher Level (HL) Independent Study in MathIB Further Mathematics HL Discrete Mathematics for Problem SolvingEngineering Mathematics AP StatisticsStatistics & Risk Management AP Calculus ABDiscrete Mathematics for Computer Science AP Calculus BClocally developed math course or other activity [pursuant to TEC, §28.002(g-1)] AP Computer Sciencemathematics course endorsed by an IHE [pursuant to TEC, §28.025(b-5)] *Math Models (for the school year only)College Prep Math [pursuant to TEC, §28.014] Algebraic Reasoning (in development for implementation in ) Statistics (in development for implementation in ) *Note: A course on this list may be taken either before or after one of the following courses: Mathematical Models with Applications, Mathematical Applications in Agriculture Food and Natural Resources, Digital Electronics, Robotics Programming and Design
COLLEGE PREPARATORY/ READINESS COURSE Course may count for third or fourth year course Define readiness with EOC, PSAT, or SAT (tentative) Taking the course provides options Remedial courses at HCC will not be offered as regular credit course but continuing education Need committee members for course writing
EVALUATION & CLOSURE Parking lot Evaluation