Vocabulary Level F Unit 10
Vocabulary Level F Unit 10 Without being too imperious, I hope this munificent amount of motley annotations will provide you with efficacious, fortuitous, and gratuitous tips to help you avoid the bedlam and restore equanimity, so you can get the gist of this week’s words without procrastinating!
Rue tried to accumulate food and supplies.
accrue (v.) to grow or accumulate over time; to happen as a natural result (v.) to grow or accumulate over time; to happen as a natural result Synonym: collect, accumulate, proceed from Antonym: dwindle, decrease, diminish, lessen
I made a note to explain an abbreviation Welcome to our Eng 10H class th Grade Honors English
annotation (n.) a critical or explanatory note or comment, especially for a literary work (n.) a critical or explanatory note or comment, especially for a literary work
Bethlem Royal Hospital From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Bethlem Royal Hospital is a hospital for the treatment of mental illness located in London. Although no longer based at its original location, it is recognized as Europe's first and oldest institution to specialize in mental illnesses. It has been known by various names including St Mary Bethlehem, Bethlem Hospital, Bethlehem Hospital and Bedlam. The word bedlam, meaning uproar and confusion, is derived from the hospital's prior name. Although currently a modern psychiatric facility, historically it became representative of the worst excesses of asylums in the era of lunacy reform.
bedlam (n.) a state or scene of uproar and confusion (n.) a state or scene of uproar and confusion Synonym: commotion, pandemonium, chaos, anarchy Antonym: peace and quiet, order, tranquility
(adj.) hidden, disguised, purposefully kept secret; sheltered, secluded; (adj.) hidden, disguised, purposefully kept secret; sheltered, secluded; (n.) a sheltered place, a hiding place Synonym: undercover, clandestine, sub-rosa Antonym: open, overt, undisguised covert
debonair (adj.) pleasant, courteous, lighthearted; smooth and polished in manner and appearance (adj.) pleasant, courteous, lighthearted; smooth and polished in manner and appearance Synonym: carefree, jaunty, Gracious, suave, urbane Antonym: distraught, agitated, boorish, churlish
Are you done… with the dun?
(v.) to demand insistently, especially in payment of a debt; (v.) to demand insistently, especially in payment of a debt; (n.) a creditor (adj.) dark, dull, drab, dingy Synonym: hound, pester, harass, nag dun
We’re going to be very effective with this one
efficacious (adj.) effective, producing result (adj.) effective, producing result Synonym: effectual, efficient, potent, powerful Antonym: ineffective, worthless, useless
Both are equal in balance
equanimity (n.) calmness, composure, refusal to panic (n.) calmness, composure, refusal to panic Synonym: tranquility, imperturbability Antonym: excitability, flappability, agitation
I found a fortune fortune
(adj.) accidental, occurring by a happy chance (adj.) accidental, occurring by a happy chance Synonym: unintentional, unplanned, random, lucky Antonym: intentional, deliberate, premeditated fortuitous
You’ll get the gist of this next one…
gist (n.) the essential part, main point, or essence (n.) the essential part, main point, or essence Synonym: substance, core, nucleus
Did you leave a gratuity for the server at the restaurant?
(adj.) freely given; not called for by circumstances, unwarranted (adj.) freely given; not called for by circumstances, unwarranted Synonym: voluntary, unjustified, uncalled- for Antonym: justified, warranted gratuitous
imperious (adj.) overbearing, arrogant, seeking to dominate; pressing, compelling Synonym: domineering, magisterial, urgent, imperative Antonym: fawning, obsequious, humble, unassuming
The angry professor made an invection at convection
invective (n.) a strong denunciation or condemnation; abusive language (n.) a strong denunciation or condemnation; abusive language (adj.) abusive, vituperative Synonym: vituperation, abuse, diatribe, philippic Antonym: tribute, panegyric, encomium
motley (adj.) showing great variety; composed of different elements or many colors; (adj.) showing great variety; composed of different elements or many colors; (n.) a jester’s costume, a jester Synonym: variegated, heterogeneous, diverse, fool Antonym: uniform, homogenous, monochromatic
munificent (adj.) extremely generous, lavish (adj.) extremely generous, lavish Synonym: bounteous, liberal Antonym: stingy, miserly, tightfisted, parsimonious
I’m gonna make a really good slide for this next word. Later.
procrastinate (v.) to delay, put off until later (v.) to delay, put off until later Synonym: stall, temporize, dillydally
(adj.) tending to produce a strong feeling or response; arousing desire or appetite; irritating, annoying (adj.) tending to produce a strong feeling or response; arousing desire or appetite; irritating, annoying Synonym: stimulating, arousing, vexing, galling Antonym: dull, insipid, bland, unstimulating provocative
The recon made him erudite
recondite (adj.) exceeding ordinary knowledge and understanding Synonym: esoteric, arcane, profound, abstruse Antonym: simple, uncomplicated
probationreprobation Re-re-probation
(n.) a depraved, vicious, or unprincipled person, scoundrel; (n.) a depraved, vicious, or unprincipled person, scoundrel; (adj.) wicked, corrupt, or unprincipled; (v.) to disapprove of, condemn Synonym: scoundrel, blackguard, immoral, corrupt Antonym: saint, upright, virtuous, moral reprobate
Sedentary rock Sedentary job
(adj.) characterized by or calling for continued sitting; remaining in one place (adj.) characterized by or calling for continued sitting; remaining in one place Synonym: seated, stationary, static Antonym: active, peripatetic, migratory sedentary