Technical Sketching and Drawing Communication Technical Sketching and Drawing
Orthographic Sketch A Multi-view drawing that typically shows the front , right side and top view. (orthographic) When the side view is perfectly in line with the front view, it is called Projection.
Orthographic con’t The top view’s width dimension is projected from which other view? Front View
Orthographic Con’t The Surface with the most detail is shown is which view? Front View Most detailed drawings are orthographic drawings
Cabinet (oblique) In cabinet oblique drawings, the receding lines are shortened by one-half their true length to compensate for distortion and to approximate more closely what the human eye would see..
Cavalier In cavalier oblique drawings, all lines (including receding lines) are made to their true length.
Oblique Drawings A Sketch shows the front view as if a person were looking directly at it.
Isometric A pictorial sketch that has been drawn as it it were viewed from one corner at a 30 º angle.
Perspective A sketch that shows the object as the human eye or camera would see it. 1 pt
2 pt Perspective
3 pt Perspective
Types of Lines