Brought to you by 1 ICEF Online 2.0 – an introduction for for Educators and Service providers
2 Brought to you by 2 What is ICEF Online ? An online community of quality assured (prospective and current) business partners A provider of integrated software-as-a-service for education industry professionals Currently helping 1,446 educators, agents and service providers from 1,357 companies in 110 countries work more intelligently and effectively
3 Brought to you by 3 ICEF Online Connect. Manage. Enrol. A four channel communications and information management system – connecting students, educators, agents and service providers Connect: Search, contact & partner with over 1,100 high quality, ICEF-screened agents (buyers) from 110 countries Manage: Provide up-to-date marketing materials for agents to download, order & share with prospects Enrol: Receive & manage enquiries, applications & enrolments directly, or channel via your preferred agents
4 Brought to you by 4 Quality assurance of agents What quality assurance of agents does ICEF Online offer to providers? All ICEF Online agents are pre-screened by ICEFs agency department. Each agency must supply 4 educator referees, who are contacted to validate their support for each agency application Agents are encouraged to list contact details for their referees within their ICEF Online profiles Agencies can be privately rated by educators, according to their importance, performance etc.
5 Brought to you by 5 Membership statistics ICEF Online was launched at ICEF Berlin in November 2006 Current membership figures are: Agents: 1,150 from 110 countries Educators: 215 from 33 countries Service providers: 7 from 5 countries Most are listed at
6 Brought to you by 6 Agency membership statistics Current membership figures are: Agents: 1,150 from 110 countries Top 10 membership numbers by country: Russia – 81 Spain – 74 China – 69 Japan - 56 Germany – 52 India – 50 Turkey – 41 Brazil – 37 South Korea – 28 Colombia - 28
7 Brought to you by 7 Usage statistics From November 2006 to November 2008: Over 50,000 member profiles views occurred Over 40,000 messages were sent Over 25,000 relationship requests were made Over 1,000 provider supplied marketing documents and files were uploaded for agents to download and share (with counselors and students)
8 Brought to you by ICEF Online 2.0 – new features Search, contact and partner with educators and service providers, as well as with agents Control who can access your profile – by channel, by country, by content (privacy settings) Receive and manage enquiries and enrolments directly, or channel via your preferred agents Unlimited multi-campus and multiple (linked) staff profiles per educator (institution) account Privately rank agents and service providers according to their importance, performance etc. 8
9 Brought to you by 9 Relationship management Search for and approach high quality pre- screened agency partners, as well as educators and service providers Be found by new agency, educator and service provider partners Establish new partnerships swiftly and easily Centralize (and record) communications with, and relationship management of, partners
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12 Brought to you by 12 Educator Profile VIew
13 Brought to you by 13 Agency marketing support Support your agents with up to date and approved marketing materials Supply large numbers of agents worldwide instantly Your material is stored in one central location, easily accessible to all agency staff Agency counselors can download and distribute to prospective students Agents who have a relationship with you can order hard copies to be posted / couriered
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15 Brought to you by Provider resources to download / order 15
16 Brought to you by 16 Open networking area Read current industry news and member announcements Discuss topics of interest with agents, educators and service providers Ask other providers for opinions about agents Promote special offers and new programs to agencies Click to view profiles of commenting members and communicate privately
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18 Brought to you by 18 Testimonials - Virtual workshop educator members I have at least 50 new agents and have had 3 enrolments to date Keith Pollard - Harrogate Tutorial College, UK I am very happy with the contacts made. I have tracked at least 5 enrollments through this service in a short amount of time and that has proven to be very successful for the little amount of time and effort I took to set up my profile and send out letters to prospective agents. Arlene Spencer - Fulton-Montgomery Community College State University of New York, USA
19 Brought to you by 19 Pricing – Virtual workshop One time account set-up fee: 250 Annual fee: 995 Total for first year : 1,245
20 Brought to you by Enquiry generation Set which countries & how much you wish to pay per enquiry (minimum bid 5 euro) How high your institution ranks in search results depends upon score: keyword relevancy + bid cost x conversion rate Purchase extra enquiry credits at any time Manage multilingual enquiry page content + enquiry form which show on when students search for a study level / programme type / location or combination of these which you offer 20
21 Brought to you by Enquiry generation 21
22 Brought to you by Enquiry page and form 22
23 Brought to you by Enquiry management (included with enquiry generation service) View and update enquiry details at any time + add notes or upload / attach files to an enquiry Set up single / multiple auto-responder messages with attachment/s to auto-respond to enquirers Manually and / or auto-forward enquiries from different countries to agency partners or staff Search & export enquiry data using any criteria Upload external enquiry data via CSV (excel) files 23
24 Brought to you by 24 Testimonials - (EdMedia) enquiry generation clients EdMedia is the best marketing investment we've spent to date. Our promotion with EdMedia has helped refocus the college's direction and increase our students numbers. In fact we are now at full capacity and looking to expand our operations. Elizabeth Bence Elizabeth Bence School of Fashion - Sydney, Australia Over the last 6 years EdMedia has helped us to increase our student numbers and to keep our diversity at a good level. Our leads had a conversion rate of around 5% during this time. The ease of use of the system made it easy for us to work with, keep track and evaluate our enquiries. Martin Crawford - Administration Manager Bond University - Gold Coast, Australia
25 Brought to you by 25 Pricing – enquiry generation 400 EURO credit: approx. 80 enquiries 800 EURO credit (+ 5% volume bonus): approx. 168 enquiries 1200 EURO credit (+ 10% volume bonus): approx. 264 enquiries 1600 EURO credit (+ 15% volume bonus): approx. 368 enquiries 2000 EURO credit (+ 20% volume bonus): approx. 440 enquiries
26 Brought to you by THANK YOU