Traditional First Nations Way Of Life
Settle: Verb: To stay, or live in an area.
The Inuit People
The Inuit Hunted… Caribou Seals Whales
Inuit Shelter Animal Skin Tent Igloo
Transportation Dog Sled Snow Shoes
Nomadic Adjective: always moving, does not stay in one place
The Plains People
Gather To collect berries and other plants to be eaten later.
The Iroquois People
The Iroquois were farmers:
Permanent Adjective: lasts a long time or forever
Sedentary Adjective: Stays in one place, does not move.
The Northwest Coast People
Coast Noun: the land near the sea
They were fishers…
Carve Verb: To cut wood with a knife
Totem Pole
Kayak A long, woodenboat.
Northwest Coast Longhouse