WELCOME By Delta-Beta Chapter at Monmouth University
Presenters Sal Fiore – Sage (President) Sean Pallone – 2 nd Counselor (Vice Pres.) Andrew Grosso – Past Sage Brett Stevens – Former Award-Winning Rush & ACE Project Chairman
Monmouth University at a Glance Founded in 1933 as a Junior College -became Monmouth College in became Monmouth University in ,500 Undergraduate Students -2,800 Graduate Students Centerpiece is Wilson Hall -Woodrow Wilsons former Summer home -Used as Daddy Warbucks mansion in Annie WMCX FM - Monmouth Radio Station -Brand new, state-of-the-art Communications Building -The X, as it is called, was the first media outlet in the world to announce the death of Bob Marley back in 1981
Greek Community at Monmouth University Fraternities: ΣΠ ΦΣΚ ΘΞ ΤΚΕ ΣΤΓ ΛΘΦ Sororities: ΑΣΤ ΑΞΔ ΔΦΕ ΦΣΣ ΘΦΑ ΖΤA ΛΘA Typical Events: Talent show-type fundraisers, large community service events (ex. The Big Event), etc. Greek Week: Most intense week of the year – April 14 th thru 19 th this year – 5 out of 7 wins
Delta-Beta Chapter at a Glance Founded March 22, 1969 as AΘX Inactive from following an incident with a pledge of ZBT – Birth of Sigma Pi at MU –Several men pledged other fraternities and were physically beaten up –Decided to start a new, better fraternity
Recent Projects, Awards, and Accolades National Fraternity Awards 2006 Convocation in New Orleans: - Grand Sages Award (#1 Chapter) - Grand Council Award (Top 3) - Grand Chapter Award (Top 25) - Frank Gray Scholarship for Expansion - #1 Chapter Director Award - #1 Province Archon Award - #1 ACE Project Award - Perfect Efficiency Award - 11 of 30 All-Sigma Pi Collegiate Honor Awards - Perfect Retention for Biennium (2 years – 100% of pledges initiated) - 2 nd ranked Gold Standard out of Approx. 130 Chapters
Recent Projects, Awards, and Accolades Monmouth University Awards 2007 Greek Awards: - #1 Organization on Campus - Best New Member (Sean Pallone) - Best Faculty Advisor (Dr. Joseph Mosca) - Best Fraternity GPA - Greek Week Championship Trophy (Again) - Order of Omega Inductee (Dave Hermansky) - American Red Cross Award for #1 College Blood Drive in NJ
Delta-Beta Today & Tomorrow Current Endeavors: - Sam Spady Project - Blood Drive - Greek Week Preparation - ACE Project - Formal (April 25 th at the Trump Taj Mahal, Atlantic City) Future Endeavors: - Finish year strong - Compete for same awards at Convocation - Date Auction Fundraiser in the Fall - De-Stress Fest Fundraiser
To Close… Enjoy your visit to MU Valuable Info Thank you!