Good Friends 4-H By Brittany Jackson And Linda DeMore
What is 4-H For kids kindergarten through high school. Adult volunteers are leaders International organization Marathon county 42 clubs Members learn about different projects
What are 4-H projects Animals Photography Foods Computer Woodworking Plants Arts and crafts Plus many more
Elect officers Say pledges Old business New business And the project for the month Our meetings
Examples from our club We plant flowers Health snacks Christmas crafts Tie dye shirts Leaf collection Carol for the elderly Recycling project
Madison trip We had workshops Evening assembles Tours Stayed in the dorm There was 500 people from across the state.
We had workshops Scrap booking Embroidery on paper Cardmaking Photography Macrame Pizza pizzazz
Evening assembles Drama team Sing and dancing team Motivational speakers Slide show Youth leader counsel
Tours We went to the capital Others went to the Kohl center
Dorm Life They had good food Slow elevators