Leading Change for 21 st Century Learning Mentoring for whole school change toward a paradigm shift & QT using technology
What are we really doing about student engagement? step/
What our data told us. Students: Teachers were generally not doing a lot of things differently ( although spikes existed). Work was limited to desktop word processing, web searches, (Lower order), 1:1 communication. For teachers Teachers indicated limited experience in online collaborative learning, both synchronous and asynchronous. Time or interest low. Teachers perceived that the hardware..ie computer =engagement. Teachers did not have experiences beyond , desk top publishing and 1 : 30 communication. Videos were used. NO sense of PLE and PLN.. Limited experience in collaborative learning, mainly relied on demonstration instruction ( Always 42.5 %),Sometimes group work was used (50%), Interestingly, students worked often on individual projects,54%, however only sometimes presented individual work to the class 48 %.
Do we need a paradigm shift? What is a Paradigm shift? layer_embedded layer_embedded Initial stages with leadership from the top with emerging technologies. Confronting for many: Students as mentors, in the initial stages. “Everyone is the architect of their own learning.” — Appius Claudius, Roman Politician 7:23 PM Apr 29th from twhirl.
What are the underpinning theories? MENTORS & CHAMPIONS The impact of e-learning champions on embedding e- learning- in organisations, industry & communities. From the Australian Flexible learning framework. /
Champions, Communities & Connectivity ‘Community of Practice’ (Wenger 1999) Connectivist Theory Modeling and building a foundation for an elearning community that underpins the complex interactions between the individual, their behaviour and the environment. (Downes, 2006 & Siemens 2004)
Overview structure
Team formulate teaching Strategies
Mentoring Champions
Back mapping from Syllabus
Reflect Back to the Data
HT’s are the Catalysts in leading change! Leadership behaviours of successful middle managers. 1.A focus on learning 2.Consistency 3.Care 4.Commitment 5.High Expectations
Strategies to achieve this: Modeling: “Walk the talk” Monitoring: Leadership is strong when informed by data. Dialogue: Use conversation to develop everyone’s understanding about learning. Structures and systems: the work of the team is clear, explicit. Not autocratic, rather the consolidation and formalisation of agreed strategies.
Setting the Scene Learner ( teacher ) readiness Motivation to join the movement Comfort and feeling of support Support in classroom (HTs & Mentors) Ongoing support from systems, dialogue, individual and group. Already existing collaborative space to support the hardware….so that the learning can begin.
Mentoring at RBSC
Collaborative Spaces
Before we begin ‘know our students’ STEP 1. Lets Join EDMODO. & the Group “HT'sLeadingChange : code to access this group is: pa4r5o …..
To finish Communities of Practice (Wenger 1999) "Communities are human systems given form by conversations of relatedness." (Block, 2008) +Summary +Summary Personal learning networks and communities of practice -learning-environments learning-environments-46423