My Name is San Ho
1. Where was San Ho born? Why did he move to America? San Ho was born in Vietnam. He moved to America to join his mother and stepfather. 2. What bewilders San Ho during the course of a school year? He was bewildered by the swiftness of life. How everyone rushed through the school day.
3. What was the first incident that made San Ho connect with everyone else? The first incident that made San Ho connect with everyone else was the relay race. 4. Why is San Ho’s victory an important event in the story? It is important because when he wins the race, his classmates reach to him as friends and his feelings about going to school improved.
5. What is the first English sentence that he says? The first sentence is, “My Name is San Ho, I am your friend.” 6. What is Stephen’s surprise to San Ho? Stephen’s surprise to San Ho is a bicycle.
7. What are the two things that helped San Ho become part of the school life? The two things that helped San Ho become part of the school life are his skills in math and sports. 8. How would you describe San Ho’s reaction to finding out that school is over for the summer? He’s upset by the thought of the summer vacation because he will miss seeing his friends and taking part in school activities.