Transition from Part C to Schools
Process Child Study- review of reports from infant service provider and information from parents. Pick evaluation components. Evaluations- complete evaluations needed for eligibility. Eligibility- review of evaluations and criteria for disability category.
What does the school based team need from Part C in order to make informed decisions during the transition process?
Providing families information The overall process. Difference between infant services/school service. Medical model vs.. educational model.
Child Study Autism screening- M-CHAT - reported on the IFSP. Description of sensory strategies. Teaching strategies - visual supports, transitions, adaptations/modifications. Atypical Development- descriptors. Information that would help the teams consider what testing may be necessary.
Eligibility Updated information on progress made during therapy sessions. Data on goals/objectives. Review of all evaluation information. Completion of Criteria Worksheets for suspected disability category(ies).
Individualized Education Program Present level of educational and functional performance (PLOP)- provide information on what is happening now: descriptive of specific strategies: object schedules, transitions, sensory activities/schedules. Goals/Objectives: based on information in the PLOP goals/objectives address current needs to strengthen the areas of documented delay.
IEP Adaptations/Modifications Provide information about what is currently being used with the child(ex. object schedule, choice board…). Gives the team a place to starting point with adaptations and modifications that have been successful. Helps with transition to school based services as the child starts with familiar and successful strategies.
Services Level of services - based on goals/objectives. Related services: Speech, OT, PT, Hearing, Vision- related to the educational program.
Least Restrictive Environment Initial transition services (34 CFR (b) and 34 CFR (b)). a. In the case of a preschool-aged child with a disability, age two (on or before Sept. 30) through age five (on or before Sept. 30) whose parents elect to receive services under Part B of the Act, the local educational agency shall develop an IEP. b. The IEP team shall consider an IFSP that contains the IFSP content described under Part C of the Act (1431 et seq.) including:
LRE (1) A statement regarding natural environments, and (2) A component that promotes school readiness and incorporates pre-literacy, language, and numeracy skills. c. These components of the childs IFSP may be incorporated into the childs IEP.