By Jacob Jaroszewski & Alex Woodburn
Introduction H.H Homes – Born Herman Webster Mudgett is known as the first American serial Killer, having supposedly killed up to people. We had Interest in choosing & presenting this case as it is a case not everyone is familiar with & the capacity that which Holmes killed at is unrealistic We believe the case to be significant in the study of law because of the great deal of illegal activity Holmes put upon himself for murder to fraud and extortion as well as murdering not only in the states but as well as Toronto.
Background of Defendant H.H Holmes (Herman Webster Mudgett) was born in 1861 in Gilmanton, New Hampshire. He was born into a pretty wealthy and very privileged family Was said to be very unusually intelligent at such a young age Constantly Bullied as a child due to his given/maiden name As a prank the bullies tried to scare him with a skeleton, but his reaction was opposite and found the experience fascinating... And thus his interest in human anatomy took it’s toll.
Background of the Crime Committed When moving to Chicago Holmes sought to help out an older women in need of help at her personal run drug store while her husband was dying of cancer. When the lady’s husband had passed, Holmes had purchased the drug store from the lady, which shortly after she Mysteriously disappeared, Holmes had claimed she moved “out west” With a place of living and a steady pace of income, Holmes had set out to construct his “murder castle” using multiple architects so only he knew the full layout of his “castle”.
Holmes started renting out the room’s of his “castle” to visitors of the city & tourists, then shortly after torturing and murdering them and then dissecting, cremating, or even selling the cadavers to medical schools for more profit. To make even more money he started taking out insurance claim’s on some of the body's and then dumping them around the city, then claiming he was related and collecting the money. Running low on money while in Englewood, he murdered two visiting sisters from Texas; and, rather than quietly disposing of their remains, he set fire to their house in an attempt to get the insurance money. The insurance company refused to pay and the police began an investigation into the blaze. The police work was not pursued vigorously enough to produce any evidence of Holmes bloody activities; but Holmes did not know this, so he fled.
Holmes next turned up in Philadelphia where he developed another elaborate scheme. Herman Pitezel, his accomplice, took out a life-insurance policy on himself for $10,000 with Holmes as beneficiary. The plan was that Pitezel would "disappear" to Philadelphia and Holmes would produce a false corpse, identify it as Pitezel's and share the payoff with Pitezel's family... Holmes then killed Pitezel, using his real dead body for insurance fraud. Holmes then convinced Pitezel's wife to let him have custody of three of her five children, while lying to Pitezel’s wife stating her husband was still alive, & then tragically the remains of the two girls in Toronto, and then the little boy in Indianapolis were found. He then attempted to swindle the family of the sisters he had murdered. He failed; he stole a horse; and the police caught him in Missouri where, using the name H. M. Howard, he was charged with a further fraud attempt. He skipped bail and left town.
Defence Presented Holmes represented himself in court & held his own end. Holmes had stated he wanted a “an analysis of the liquid that he was accused of using as a poison for the children (which the D.A. did not have in there possession), and he wanted the most recent work done on toxicology, claiming that as a doctor, he himself could analyze it (though his credentials were false). This left the impression of a man who was prepared to use science to exonerate himself.”
Facts Or Prosecution Arguments Holmes was caught for fraud initially and theft of a horse. After further investigation into his life, Police had found more tragic and horrific accounts of fraud and murder Holmes had committed. A janitor that worked for Holmes in the drug store had told police that “he was not allowed to clean the second floor of the lot”(The hotel). Police then searched Holmes living area to find blood, cremated & dissected body’s everywhere with his tools & even gas lines connected to each room to asphyxiate the visitors. Holmes was initially charged for the murder of Pitezel & the murder of Pitezel’s 3 children which the remains were found in Toronto and Illinois.
Evidence Summary The remains of the 3 children is what initially sealed Holmes fate The location of the stolen Horse is what initially led Police on the hunt for Holmes and the start of an investigation into Holmes began. The Numerous insurance claim policy’s that were connected back to Holmes were obvious sign’s of fraud. The numerous amount of body’s and remains in Holmes hotel proved to be the site of a horrific serial killers residence Though Holmes played it well at the beginning of the trial asking the prosecution for some evidence they didn't have, he failed to cover the rest of the evidence. That proved he was a murder.
Jury Decision & Sentence On November 4 th 1895, Holmes was convicted of first degree murder & sentenced to death by hanging. On May 7 th 1896 In Philadelphia Moyamensing Prison Holmes was finally hanged.
Theory Socialization Theory: Suggests the key influences leading to criminal behavior are found in upbringing, peer groups, and role models. This can be related to Holmes as his fascination with human anatomy as a child, though he was brought up in a wealthy privileged household, the bullying at school and dissection of animals as a child could be the reason to his motive for murder. Strain Theory: Suggests the stress of goals of acquiring wealth (success and power), and the means to achieve these goals (education, economic resources) are denied to the economically disadvantaged. This can be related to Holmes as he constantly swindle people and made false insurance claims to collect the rewards and have more money.