By Tiberius Helvius Honorius
Deity-A God or Goddess Olympian-Pertaining to Olympia in Elis. Attribute-To consider as a quality or characteristic of the person, thing or group Sphere of Influence-Any area in which one nation wields dominant power over another or others Provenance- Place or source of origin
Kronus and Rhea are Zeus’s mom and dad, who are the parents of the olympians. Zeus and his brothers overthrew his father to be gods
Greek and Roman name was Zeus and Jupiter Parents Kronus and Rhea Sphere of influence and attributes is the Earth and Sky and he had the power of lightning bolts oak trees and eagles His birthplace
Greek and Roman names are Hades and Pluto Parents are Kronus Rhea Sphere of Influence is the dead and the underworld He was born on the island of Crete
Greek and Roman name is Poseidon and Neptune Parents were Kronos and Rhea Sphere of Influence is the Sea He had no birthplace because he was eaten by his father Kronus
Her Greek name is Hestia and Vesta Parents are Kronus and Rhea Sphere of Influence is the Hearth, the Altar, and the Home Birthplace The Island of Crete
Greek and Roman names are Hera and Juno Parents are Kronus and Rhea Attributes are Peacock, cow, crow and pomegranate Birthplace Island of Crete