Behaviorist Theories Classical & Operant Conditioning By: J.F.
Behaviorism The prediction and control of human behavior in which introspection and/or independent thinking play no essential part of its teaching methods.
Key people associated with classical & operant conditioning Ivan Pavlov (classical conditioning) John B. Watson (classical conditioning) B.F. Skinner (operant conditioning)
Key points of classical conditioning Classical conditioning is a reflexive or automatic type of learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus. Pavlov demonstrated how stimulus response bonds (which some consider as the basic building blocks of learning) are formed He accomplished these findings by using dogs, meat powder and a bell.
Key points of operant conditioning Operant conditioning describes learning that is controlled and results in shaping behavior through the reinforcement of stimulus response patterns. B.F. Skinner found reinforcement was a powerful motivator. He felt that when a child produces a desirable behavior and is rewarded for it, that behavior will be repeated.
Classroom implications What the teacher does under this theory I think that in some cases teachers want to excite their students by using the computers for assignments every once in a while. All you have to do is say “computers” and the students will fill with excitement, using the computers as a stimulus. This is a way that teachers can use classical conditioning.
Classroom implications What the students do under this theory While talking an online quiz the student gets the question right, a huge “CORRECT” page pops up. This is using a positive reinforcement, the kids want to get every question right so they can see that correct page. The students would be experiencing operant conditioning.
Classroom implications What you think about the theory for your own teaching I think when it comes to my own teaching I would definitely use positive reinforcement to establish the results I am trying to achieve. I know while I was growing up that always worked for me!
References Pavlov, I. P. (1927). Conditioned Reflexes: An Investigation of the Physiological Activity of the Cerebral Cortex. Translated and Edited by G. V. Anrep. London: Oxford University Press. Shelly, Gunter, Gunter. Integrating Technology & Digital Media in the Classroom 6 th ed.