Videoconferencing in the Classroom By: Kathy Krupa.


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Presentation transcript:

Videoconferencing in the Classroom By: Kathy Krupa

What’s it all about? This presentation is designed to help you learn about and explore video conferencing applications in the classroom.

What is videoconferencing? Two way voice and video connection Two way voice and video connection Done over IP (Internet) lines Done over IP (Internet) lines Need a codec Need a codec Polycom Polycom Need a bridge for multi- point calls (MAGPI) Need a bridge for multi- point calls (MAGPI) Remember this?

Why Videoconference? Target 21 st Century Teaching and Learning Target 21 st Century Teaching and Learning Project based approach to learning (constructivist pedagogy) Project based approach to learning (constructivist pedagogy) Cover material in a student-driven, collaborative, multisensory approach Cover material in a student-driven, collaborative, multisensory approach Increased student achievement Increased student achievement Raises the bar for performance – Students don’t want to look bad in front of their peers Raises the bar for performance – Students don’t want to look bad in front of their peers Students experience a more contextual understanding of the content when activities are used to prepare students for the Interactive Videoconference (IVC) Students experience a more contextual understanding of the content when activities are used to prepare students for the Interactive Videoconference (IVC) Improve speaking/listening skills Improve speaking/listening skills Improve presentation skills Improve presentation skills Give students opportunities to connect with the world outside the classroom Give students opportunities to connect with the world outside the classroom An increase in confidence and self-esteem An increase in confidence and self-esteem Increased motivation for students –gives them an “authentic” audience Increased motivation for students –gives them an “authentic” audience

How to Begin Begin with a curricular goal Begin with a curricular goal Evaluate available resources Evaluate available resources Review existing projects Review existing projects Contact the remote site project coordinator/teacher Contact the remote site project coordinator/teacher Plan the project or your participation in it Plan the project or your participation in it Implement the plan Implement the plan Evaluate the plan for the future Evaluate the plan for the future

Curricular Goals – Questions to ask yourself What do you want your students and those they are linking with to learn? What do you want your students and those they are linking with to learn? How will videoconferencing enhance their learning and understanding? How will videoconferencing enhance their learning and understanding? What will the classroom preparation be? What will the classroom preparation be? During the actual conference, what will the students involved be doing? During the actual conference, what will the students involved be doing? After the conference, what follow up activities will you do with students to reinforce their understanding? After the conference, what follow up activities will you do with students to reinforce their understanding?

Videoconferencing Applications for Schools  Link up with sister schools/classroom project for collaboration/team teaching/penpals  Observation of classroom lectures and activities  Sharing of extra-curricular activities (art, karate, concerts, sports, cultural, language)  Real-time video tutoring for students off-site or homebound  Career counseling for remote students  Debate/Argument  Read to each other  Performances  Collaborative writing  Sharing cultures/traditions  Interviewing  Sharing of research/science projects  Older students teaching younger students  Geography guessing game  Sharing of local history  Quiz shows

Ideas for Activities During a Videoconference… Curriculum Linking-Jigsawing of content – (This is what 2 nd grade decided to do.) Curriculum Linking-Jigsawing of content – (This is what 2 nd grade decided to do.) Provide access to a guest speaker/expert Provide access to a guest speaker/expert Evaluate at a distance Evaluate at a distance Engage students in small group discussion or activities Engage students in small group discussion or activities Give and/or receive a demonstration Give and/or receive a demonstration Give a tutorial Give a tutorial Share ideas and materials Share ideas and materials Deliver a lecture Deliver a lecture Problem Solving Problem Solving Reading/Reader’s Theater Reading/Reader’s Theater Rap/song Rap/song Play Play Performance Poetry Performance Poetry

Videoconference Preparation Prepare your lesson plan and agenda for session Prepare your lesson plan and agenda for session Identify learning objectives and essential questions Identify learning objectives and essential questions Determine how many sessions you will have Determine how many sessions you will have Determine number of sites Determine number of sites Who will host session? Who will be the moderator? Who will host session? Who will be the moderator? Determine what technology resources your will need and how to get them Determine what technology resources your will need and how to get them Coordinate schedules – time of conferences Coordinate schedules – time of conferences If working on a global level, ensure time zones are not prohibitive If working on a global level, ensure time zones are not prohibitive Fill out videoconference request – send to CIT. Fill out videoconference request – send to CIT. Assign project tasks to students Assign project tasks to students Scripts Scripts Materials Materials

Test/Trial Runs Keep your first session to a short orientation Keep your first session to a short orientation Test your equipment/connection Test your equipment/connection Give students time to get used to the technology and seeing themselves on the monitor Give students time to get used to the technology and seeing themselves on the monitor Emphasize practical classroom management such as waiting to ask/answer questions Emphasize practical classroom management such as waiting to ask/answer questions Evaluate session and iron out any audio or practical issues that may arise Evaluate session and iron out any audio or practical issues that may arise

Use of a Wiki for Videoconference Collaboration Sample – State of Matter - Sample – State of Matter -

How to Prepare Students for Videoconferencing Introduce students to the technology and address videoconferencing etiquette. Introduce students to the technology and address videoconferencing etiquette. Remain in constant contact with the facilitator(s) of the videoconference prior to the actual conference to ensure everything will run smoothly. Remain in constant contact with the facilitator(s) of the videoconference prior to the actual conference to ensure everything will run smoothly. Highlight to your students the role they play in creating a rewarding interaction. Highlight to your students the role they play in creating a rewarding interaction. Prepare questions!!! Student preparation is essential for a successful videoconference. Prepare questions!!! Student preparation is essential for a successful videoconference.

Student Preparation (Cont.) Facilitate during the videoconference by asking questions, asking for clarification, assessing understanding, etc. Facilitate during the videoconference by asking questions, asking for clarification, assessing understanding, etc. Hold a post- videoconference meeting with students to speak to items learned and discussed during the videoconference. Hold a post- videoconference meeting with students to speak to items learned and discussed during the videoconference. Evaluate the videoconference. Evaluate the videoconference. Feedback is crucial to all parties to ensure the best experience possible. Feedback is crucial to all parties to ensure the best experience possible.

Our Evaluation What worked? What worked? Curricular objectives achieved Curricular objectives achieved Students engaged/motivated to learn Students engaged/motivated to learn Connection worked and was clear, voices were clear Connection worked and was clear, voices were clear Wiki for collaboration Wiki for collaboration What didn’t work? What didn’t work? Muting of camera (capability of camera) – our audience received too much feedback/noise on their end Muting of camera (capability of camera) – our audience received too much feedback/noise on their end What would we do differently next time? What would we do differently next time? Four screens showing at once – the presentation of experiments would have been clearer if the person speaking is shown larger than the other screens Four screens showing at once – the presentation of experiments would have been clearer if the person speaking is shown larger than the other screens Shorten videoconference time Shorten videoconference time

Equipment Required PolyCom Video Conference System – available in all elementary computer labs. Hallowell’s equipment is on a cart so it can be moved right into your classroom

Resources MAGPI ( MAGPI ( “MAGPI delivers regional infrastructure in a cost-effective manner and promotes applications for the region's research and education communities through high performance network technology.” “MAGPI delivers regional infrastructure in a cost-effective manner and promotes applications for the region's research and education communities through high performance network technology.” Great source of applications and programs for K-12 community (Math and Science examples: Great source of applications and programs for K-12 community (Math and Science examples: Professional Development for Teachers: Professional Development for Teachers:

Resources (Cont.) CILC (Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration) - CILC (Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration) - Click Join Now, It’s Free Click Join Now, It’s Free Go to Communication Preferences Go to Communication Preferences

Resources (Cont.) Twice maintains a page with many links to projects Twice maintains a page with many links to projects GLOBAL Leap (UK) GLOBAL Leap (UK) iEarn – iEarn – Interactive Videoconferencing K-12 Lessons that Work (ISTE Publication 2009) Interactive Videoconferencing K-12 Lessons that Work (ISTE Publication 2009)

Examples of Point to Point Projects MysteryQuest USA – MysteryQuest USA – MysteryQuest World Geography – MysteryQuest World Geography – Read Across America – Read Across America – Debate – Debate –

MultiPoint Projects Hallowell/Berks IU/Central York/Pocono Mountain – 4StatesofMatter – see VIDEO Hallowell/Berks IU/Central York/Pocono Mountain – 4StatesofMatter – see VIDEO Megaconference Junior Megaconference Junior

Citations Interactive Videoconferencing, 2009, ISTE Publications Interactive Videoconferencing, 2009, ISTE Publications