Inside the Computer Mr. Rowe Computer Tech
Something goes in What went in gets changed What comes out is different
Let’s take a look at some key computer terms and what goes on INSIDE the Grinder
System unit O Sometimes called the chassis. A box-like case made from metal or plastic that protecs the internal electronic components of the computer from damage.
CPU O Central Processing Unit. Also called the processor. The electronic device that interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate the computer.
CPU O Central Processing Unit. Also called the processor. The electronic device that interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate the computer.
Hertz O One Hertz = one cycle per second. O Megahertz = one millions cycles per second. The common measure of speed for processors and electronic activities inside the computer.
Hard Drive O A data storage medium that houses all of the electronic information and software programs on your computer.
Storage devices O Hardware used to record and retrieve items to and from a storage medium; often functions as a source of input because it transfers items from storage into memory.
Input devices O Any hardware component that allows a user to enter data, programs, commands, and user responses into a computer. Includes the keyboard, mouse, microphone, digital camera, scanner, etc.
Output devices O Any hardware component that can convey information to a user. Includes display devices, printers, monitors, speakers, headsets, data projectors, fax machines, etc.
Peripheral devices O Any external device that attaches to the system unit such as keyboard, mouse, printer, etc.
Taking a look inside the unit O computer.htm computer.htm Scroll down to see the video window; play the video which illustrates a “CPU”