By Mark Veeder-SCFI 2013
-How to properly construct an AC and NC -Getting the most out of cross-ex -How to structure a rebuttal
6 minutes As much offense as possible that does not depend on the neg strategy. Few options ▪ Two deontological violations ▪ Two advantages ▪ Three contentions Good evidence Has a definite purpose Multiple Uses ▪ Example-A Deontology card that argues our own experiences cloud our judgments ▪ Any non-universal criterion opens the way for arbitrary decisions ▪ Can’t predict things accurately
Multiple versions of your aff Adaptation Responses to likely neg arguments Spikes Pre-empts to common arguments Use sparingly What do your opponents often go for Theory-Use warrants Never end your speech early Can always add more explanation Know long how it is, before the tournament
Be willing to change and revise your aff. Every round you learn something What arguments did you emphasize in the 1AR and the 2AR? What were the weak points? How does your aff fit together? Update during the season Better evidence More recent evidence
Clarification first Simple questions Do you defend a specific advocacy? Why is reason the basis of morality? What form does surveillance take? Don’t ask long questions Gets confusing to follow your train of thought Increases the probability of arguments Lead them into your argument Would people know about the invasion of their digital privacy? Don’t orate, ask questions. Do not argue!
Concede to simple answers Answer honestly “I don’t know” can be an acceptable answer Explain well Know your argument Reference evidence Don’t orate, answer questions
Have multiple cases Adaptation for judges Cases crafted for the aff Have them timed before the tournament Have cases that can be ran together
7 minutes Should not need much prep Read your case, then attack the opponents Reasons why the aff’s FW is bad Reasons why their contentions are wrong and if they are true, they lead to bad things Accept things you don’t need to debate Their definitions Their criterion, standard or value criteron possibly
Multiple Routes Offense under the opponents framework, and a counter FW ▪ They are running util: read a disadvantage, and a counter FW ▪ Innovation DA, and a deontology FW ▪ Case turns and a counter FW ▪ Theory and a counter FW ▪ A kritik and a DA that can be ran without contradicting ▪ Capitalism kritik with an international modeling disad ▪ Kritik with a counter FW ▪ Gendered language, with Deontology ▪ DA under the aff’s framework, and a counter framework ▪ Economy disadvantage, and deontology Two forms of offense under their case ▪ Two disadvantages Reasons why the aff’s FW is bad Classic mistake: Only reading a counter FW ▪ Allows the 1AR too focus only on one issue Don’t forget defense! Avoid repetition
4 minutes Alright to use some prep for this speech Hardest speech in debate What you drop can be exploited by the NR Need to be efficient Prioritize offense, but still read defense
Respond to theory or T Game over Respond to framework arguments Why what they said against your FW is wrong Extend your FW ▪ Tag, warrant, author, and date. ▪ Reference all of these Respond to contention arguments Cyber terrorism not a threat, explain why it is. Read offense under their FW They read rights based arguments, your aff protects rights ▪ Surveillance prevent hackers from stealing your private data
Prewritten blocks Arguments that you are expecting here ▪ Rights, econ DA, etc. ▪ Answers to Can work with any judge ▪ If you have a judge that doesn’t like evidence or pre-written blocks, just write them on your flow during prep Prewritten extensions Explains your evidence or overall argument Becomes much more efficient Use evidence For extensions For blocks Only make arguments once Utilize the same argument in multiple places Use your AC, should have evidence or arguments that answers theirs ▪ Don’t let them distract you Have an idea of what you want to be going for Set yourself up for that Make choices
6 minutes Make a decision Should highlight what you are going for Should be framed in a way that the aff won’t be able to access. Tell a story Everything should tie together
1. Overview I win because ▪ First reason ▪ Second reason ▪ Be sure to reference specific arguments 2. extend the NC A) extend V&VC ▪ Refute answers to your V&VC B) Extend contentions ▪ Refute answers to your own contentions 3. Answers to the AC A) answer V&VC ▪ Refute their defenses of their V&VC B. Answer contentions ▪ Refute their defenses of contentions 4. Preempt the 2AR Refute possible 2AR voters Make even if statements (Even if I am losing on X argument, I can still win on Y argument) ▪ Even if I am losing the framework debate and you are using theirs, I can still win under theirs because of the turns I read
Prewritten blocks Prewritten extensions Referencing specific arguments or evidence Prioritize issues Don’t just say here are the 3 voters Connect the arguments together Evidence comparison
3 minutes Should not be line by line Story Global overview Explain the round Reference specific arguments
Go for less Go for specifics Evidence comparison Prioritize arguments