Born: 1995 – 2009 Youth: now
Lazy Can multitask Rebellious They care about material things Use a lot of electronics and technology and don’t spend much time outside Short attention spans Outgoing Short tempered
Rap and pop music is very popular Music is used a lot by generation z to keep them busy and occupied
Some popular TV shows include, reality shows, comedy, drama Jersey shore Big brother Home and away Family guy
80’s is popular for generation z High waisted shorts and skirts long in the back short inn the front Fashion is very important to most girls in generation z
Drugs are a major health issue As well as not doing enough exercise most generation z kids are spending a lot of time in front of the TV Obesity Anorexia is also a major health issue among young generation z girls
Some political issues are lack of a decision by the Obama Administration and when to close down the prison at Guantanamo Bay On August 31st, 2010 the long war in Iraq was “officially’ declared over.
There is a huge improvement on science and technology for generation z Generation z has grown up with technology and they spend a lot of there time in front of the screen During generation z’s time a lot of money has gone to help scientist improve there research Generation z is the generation filled with technology and they are always on the computer watching TV or playing video games
/GenerationZ.aspx /GenerationZ.aspx claire/features/world/article/- / /meet-generation-z/ claire/features/world/article/- / /meet-generation-z/ art/514-generation-z-and-obesity art/514-generation-z-and-obesity 2/27/the-top-ten-political-events-of- 2010/ 2/27/the-top-ten-political-events-of- 2010/