The Beginning of the XX century There were many differences among different parts of the country. Land owners took advantage of workers. Food conservation systems at homes weren't good.
The Beginning of the XX century Salaries were low and supplies poor. People cooked with coal and firewood. There was a scarcity of meat and fish, and people ate mostly plants.
During the World War I Although Spain was a neutral country, we were in danger. The prices of food and coal got much higher (Subsistence law).
After the World War I Problems continued (inflation). Wheat price got higher and higher. Speculation was suffered by lower class people.
Spanish Postwar It took 20 years to recover from the Civil War (postwar). There wasn't anything to eat because fields were devastated during the war. Many people died of hunger.
National side took control It kept control of the countryside, so their diet and supplies were much better. It was the main factor to win the War.
Republican side had many problems Left-winged parties supported the Republican Army. Transport problems affected food supply too.
No food during the war Since the beggining of the war, there were problems with suplies. People were able to get essential food only under medical prescription.
Rationing during the War Rationing food was made this way: Once a week: oil carbón, ham, cheese... 3 times a week: fish, rice, sugar and eggs. Every day: milk, meat, vegetables, fruit...
SMUGGLING The lack of food and essential things caused a new way of smuggling, It was known as “estraperlo”.
Spanish poverty Thousands of people lived under the poverty line. Many people died, including children.
60's: Developing countries Nourishment in Spain was not as complete as it was, in terms of calories, in other countries. The quality of meat, milk and eggs was not very good.
Massive migration During the end of the 60s and the beginning of the 70s more than people emigrated from the countryside to the cities and to foreign countries such as France or Germany.
Present- day Social welfare society has brought important changes in nutrition habits. In the last 15 years, the number of people with overweight problems has increased. In children, the rate is higher than the average in Europe. This is mostly because of the success of “Fast Food” restaurants.