Many roads, one destination. August 5, 2014 Co Teaching Models Many roads, one destination. August 5, 2014
Rita & John @ritaplatt @johnwolfe3rd Rita Platt is a Nationally Board Certified teacher. Her experience includes teaching learners of all levels from kindergarten to graduate student. She currently is a Library Media & Reading Specialist for the St. Croix Falls SD in Wisconsin, teaches graduate courses for the Professional Development Institute, and consults with local school districts. John Wolfe is a teacher on special assignment for the Multilingual Department at the Minneapolis Public School District. He has worked with students at all levels as well as provided professional development to fellow teachers. His areas of expertise include English Language Learners, literacy, and integrated technology.
Continuous, Collaborative, Communicative Relax … Everything (and more) is on The Wiki PD must be: Continuous, Collaborative, Communicative
An invitation to a conversation! Conversational Collaborative Continuing
Questions to be Answered What is co-teaching? Why does co-teaching need to be standards-based? What are the models of co-teaching? How do we plan our lessons? 8:30-8:45 Meet & Greet 8:45-10:00 Instruction 10:00-10:15 Break 10:15-11:45 Instruction/ Workshop 11:45-1:00 Lunch 1:00-3:30 Planning Time/ Work Time
To Do List Work with a partner to review the models of co-teaching. Work with a partner to review the co-teaching rubrics. Review CVC/Can-Do Descriptors Make a plan for co-teaching.
Quick Write Define co-teaching List strengths of the model List limitations or problems with the model Share with a colleague
Benefits of Co-Teaching Shared responsibility for educating all students Ideal structure for transfer of teacher expertise Two heads are needed…these are complex needs! Shared understanding and use of standards, curriculum, & assessment data Shared ownership for teaching and interventions TTYP: Thoughts? Hopes? Worries?
Limitations Co-teaching takes extra planning time. ESL teachers are spread THIN! Tug-of-war and/or “my students-your students” mentality . ESL Teachers can function more as a teaching assistant than as a co-educator. Everybody has to change in one way or another. TTYP: Thoughts? Hopes? Worries?
The Old Way
The New Way + The Surgical Model
Instructional Tips KNOW the standards. UNDERSTAND the assessments. Be ready to DIFFERENTIATE (MODIFY) instruction based on WIDA level. Clearly display an agenda for the class, which includes the standard(s) to be covered and any additional goals. Create signals for students that are consistent and can be used by either teacher. Strive to demonstrate parity in instruction whenever possible by switching roles often. Avoid disagreeing with or undermining each other in front of the students. Be flexible and strategic…outside of the box (outside of the classroom) Use the “Look Fors” document.
Know the Standards KNOW the standards. UNDERSTAND the assessments. Be ready to DIFFERENTIATE (MODIFY) instruction based on WIDA level. Clearly display an agenda for the class, which includes the standard(s) to be covered and any additional goals.
CVC/Can-Do Descriptors
Can Do Descriptors
WIDA Names
A Hard Question… What are we going to do about assessment? What tests do we have to give? Are these tests good for students? Do those tests tell us about content learning regardless of ELD level? If not, what should we do?
Have Structures in Place Create signals for students that are consistent and can be used by either teacher. Strive to demonstrate parity in instruction whenever possible by switching roles often. Avoid disagreeing with or undermining each other in front of the students.
The 6 Models One Teaching, One Drifting Team Teaching Parallel Teaching Alternative Teaching—Small Group One Teaching, One Observing Station Teaching
The 6 Models One Teaching, One Observing One Teaching, One Drifting Parallel Teaching Station Teaching Alternative Teaching—Small Group Team Teaching The models should be intentionally used, variably used, and focused on helping ALL students meet standards. The STANDARDS are the bottom line!
The 6 Models Jigsaw Number off 1-6 Work in SAME number teams to: Read the brief, study the lesson plan, complete the organizer (20 minutes) Work in MIXED number teams to: Share information with your new team, complete the organizer (20 minutes)
Finding Time Page 27/28 quarterly co teaching pdf
Sample Lesson Plans
Video Samples As you watch think about: What is the model? Is the model matched to the demands of the lesson (the language needs)? Do the teachers seem to have parity? Do they seem to know the standards? Do they differentiate?
SOEI SOEI Domain Relationship to Co-Teaching 1. Preparation & Planning If co-teaching is effective teachers must: 1. Preparation & Planning Understand the content and how students learn it (A .i). Have a ready “toolbox” of resources and strategies (A.iii) and be able to use this toolbox to plan (A.iv) Know goals for students (B.ii) and be able to align goals to teaching and learning (B.iii). Plan and provide assessments (C.i) in skills, interests, and language proficiency (C.iii), use data collected (C.ii) to differentiate instruction (C.iv). 2. Classroom Environment Create an environment where students are respected (A.ii), actively engaged in their learning (B.i) and held to high expectations for achievement (B.i). 3. Classroom Instruction Be flexible and able to use alternate instructional activities to meet students’ needs (A.ii). Be aware of cultural as it relates to language and cultural nuances (A.iii). Allow for differentiated instruction (B.i) student ability to progress at their own learning rates & work in groups as needed (B.iv). Use assessments to inform adjustment of instruction and as the base for applying varied learning strategies (C.i). 4. Professional Responsibilities Be willing to grow, learn, and change teaching practices (A.i & B.i). Be able to articulate different courses of action to help students succeed (A.ii). Collaborate with colleagues (B.ii).
Focused Instruction FI Features Relationship to Co-Teaching Planning lessons using high-quality curriculum derived from state standards Both teachers must know the standards for the core and for ESL. Engaging students in rigorous learning using a variety of strategies All ELs have access to content and to English language development through teacher use of flexible strategies matched to student need. Adapting instruction to meet individual needs This is the point of co-teaching! Conducting frequent assessments In order to figure out HOW to serve learners, teachers must first determine a student’s language, content, and skills levels. Using data Teachers must consult data in order to ensure that the differentiated strategies are helping increase student achievement.