A multi-university center to promote use of evidence- based practice for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders Cooperative Agreement H 35G U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs
Greetings From Wisconsin
Here’s where we spend our days… Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison
National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders FPG Child Development Institute University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Sam Odom and Ann Cox Waisman Center University of Wisconsin at Madison Linda Tuchman-Ginsberg M.I.N.D. Institute University of California at Davis Medical School Sally Rogers
The NPDC and Vermont: Model sites throughout the state Windham -Vernon Elementary School (K) Franklin-Missisquoi Valley Union High School. Rutland-Northeast Primary School Burlington-Champlain Elementary School Windham-Vernon Elementary School Franklin-Swanton Central School Rutland-Northwest Elementary School Burlington-JJ Flynn Elementary School
The NPDC and Vermont: A timeline Fall 2010: Notification of selection of VT as partner December 2010: Interagency Autism Planning Group meeting July 2011:5-day Summer Institute Fall 2011:Initial APERS and Fall visits. Begin process of selecting and implementing EBP
Need for Professional Development Related to ASD Pushed by Increasing numbers of children with ASD Emerging base of evidence about effective practices Responsibility to provide a free and appropriate public education
Why use evidence-based practices? The use of EBP with learners with ASD is sound practice Because teachers are accountable
Evidence-Based Practices and Current Federal Initiatives The NCLB act defines Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) as “the use of practices, interventions, and treatments which have been proven, through data based research, to be effective in improving outcomes for individuals when the practice is implemented with fidelity.” No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Public Law In 2001 the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) emphasized the need for scientifically-based research and the use of evidence-based practices in the field of education.
Evidence-Based Practices and Current Federal Initiatives IDEA aligns with NCLB in its use of terminology related to evidence-based practice, i.e., ”scientifically based research” (§ ) and emphasizes its importance in sections on educational placements (§ ) as well as personnel development (§ ), and related funding. Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, Public Law
Combating Autism Act Signed into law by President Bush as PL on Dec. 19, 2006 Goals Include: Improve Autism-Related Research Increase awareness about autism and related disorders Reduce barriers to screening and early diagnosis of autism Promote evidence-based early intervention
While the number of children identified with ASD increases, so does what we know about effective educational practices. However, many of these evidence-based practices have not yet reached school classrooms…
Goals of NPDC Promote evidence-based practices (EBP) Increase highly qualified personnel Increase the professional development capacity of states
Year 1, Cohort 1: Master content and process in collaboration with NPDC staff (IN, NM, WI) Years 2-4: States complete competitive application Year 2, Cohort 2: KY, MN, MI Year 3, Cohort 3: CA,TX, VA Year 4, Cohort 4:VT, RI, ID Total number of states served: 12 State Involvement
Goals of the Center Project goals: Content Development Technical Assistance Evaluation Professional Development
Provide training through online introductory course on ASD intensive summer institutes ongoing technical assistance (TA) Establish training sites that demonstrate EBP Project Goal: Professional Development
Systems change perspective Outreach based on state strategic plan Promote ongoing consultation and coaching Use peer coaching Establish a network Project Goal: Technical Assistance
Assist states to implement EBP Collect follow-up data: use of evidence-based practices practitioner skills child and family outcomes Project Goal: Evaluation
Online introductory course on ASD Identify/define criteria for evidence Identify evidence-based practices Briefs/modules on evidence- based practices Project Goal: Content Development