Unique value proposition/why do we need this? KM and Comms work is key for reaching CRP outcomes & impact M & E of our work will help us learn to be more effective but also to show our worth M & E of our work can support whole program M & E – illustrate how we work towards outcomes and impact Learn more about how to bring about behavior change – help the CRP have impact
Who is already doing some work around this, how, with what success? Many of us are monitoring web stats and metrics We use tools (google analytics etc) to get stats on sector, geography, demographics, flows etc. We also monitor secondary reach through web stats Use of network mapping to monitor relationships built Some work on monitoring policy influence
What are principles needed to take advantage of this BB? Listen & observe Connect our work to CRP objectives Think beyond reach stats to influence and impact Iterative process – reflect & learn through our monitoring Build KSL culture
What interventions/actions Need to work into proposals Engage with IA work – link to ToC Build mixed methods – use stats with anecdotes (most significant change) to link KM and Comms to Toc Share baselines & stats across CRPs Monitor how we influence investment Need resources from comms friendly donors
Discussion Points 1.Need to move our M&E beyond just monitoring stats to understanding our impact on: partnership development, behaviour change, resource mobilization, adaptive management of the program 2.Moving towards impact requires engagement with whole program M&E and IA
Gaps How to build mixed methods to integrate KM & Comms M&E with whole program M &E How to improve use of network maps to show influence of our work