No Child Left Behind By: LaKyn Deitrick
No Child Left Behind… George W. Bush created and “published” the No Child Left Behind Act. He impacted so many children and made things happen. (:
No Child Left Behind… Education is no longer about money. Compliance and Excuses. Its about improving the quality of the education we offer to the students. The focus is the students, not the system.
No Child Left Behind… 40% White 12% Black 16% Hispanic This is a rate of the forth grade students who read proficient levels in school. This is a concern, this is what Bush wants to change.
No Child Left Behind… Along with the no child left behind act, they developed more testing like the PSSA’s. Its not to punish children, or teachers. They want to know if students can learn what the state has decided they should know.
No Child Left Behind… Some people damn the NCLB act, others praise it. 16% - Want to get rid of the law. 41% - Say keep with good changes. 21% - Keep as is. 21% - Not enough knowledge to vote.
No Child Left Behind… They do have a legislation that allows special modifications to children with special needs.
No Child Left Behind… According to the National Assessment of Education Progress, they found most reading and math progress made in the 1970’s.
No Child Left Behind… The No Child Left Behind act has actually made it harder for states to improve the quality of teaching.
No Child Left Behind… This act and the people involved with it believe that in 2014, 100% of children will score proficient. Me: I personally believe that this will not happen. There still isn’t a good enough amount of test scores that will prove that in three more years students will score proficient.
No Child Left Behind… In Texas, the special education students didn’t need to take the special testing like the PSSA’s. There was more and more students coming into the special education classes. They were planning on putting students into the classes so they don’t have to take the test.
No Child Left Behind… Work Sited…. Paige, Rod. "The No Child Left Behind Act Protects the Right of All Students to Receive a Quality Education." Opposing Viewpoints: Students' Rights. Ed. Jamuna Carroll. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Web. 4 May Linda Darling-Hammond. "No Child Left Behind Is a Bad Law." Opposing Viewpoints: School Reform. Ed. Noah Berlatsky. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Web. 4 May Pete Wright. "No Child Left Behind Is a Good Law." Opposing Viewpoints: School Reform. Ed. Noah Berlatsky. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Web. 4 May