No Wasted Time: PBIS Meetings That Work
Our School Durham Elementary School Durham Elementary School Tigard, Oregon Tigard, Oregon 550 students in grades K students in grades K-5 23 classrooms 23 classrooms 44% free/reduced 44% free/reduced Targeted Assistance Title I Targeted Assistance Title I 60% White, 30% Latino, 10% other groups of color 60% White, 30% Latino, 10% other groups of color 20% ELL 20% ELL
Our Behavior Support System Core curriculum is Second Steps School-wide positive supports District protocol defines tiers of support Effectiveness tracked through SWIS
Our Reading Program 90 minute protected block 90 minute protected block “Walk to Read” (flexible skill grouping) “Walk to Read” (flexible skill grouping) District protocol of curricular options District protocol of curricular options 3 instructional tiers 3 instructional tiers Interventions funded with general fund and Title I Interventions funded with general fund and Title I
Our Math Program 60 minutes per day of protected math instruction 60 minutes per day of protected math instruction Implementing Expressions next year Implementing Expressions next year Interventions are mostly within core Interventions are mostly within core Voyager math recently added Voyager math recently added
No Wasted Time “Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” “Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” - Winnie the Pooh - Winnie the Pooh
Before the Meeting 1. Clarify the purpose 2. Invite the right people 3. Create a year-long calendar 4. Assign leadership roles 5. Prepare an agenda 6. Collect useful data
Clarify the Purpose (There are three!) 1. Evaluate School-Wide Effectiveness 2. Evaluate Grade-Level Effectiveness 3. Make Instructional Decisions About Individual Children
Invite the Right People (No missing pieces of the puzzle) Principal Literacy Specialist Counselor/School Psychologist Learning Specialist ELL Teacher Classroom Teachers
Create a Year-Long Calendar It’s a priority for everyone It’s a priority for everyone Every 6 weeks Every 6 weeks Same week day Same week day
Assign Leadership Roles Facilitator and Time Keeper Facilitator and Time Keeper Presenters of Data Presenters of Data Note Takers Note Takers
Make a Really, Really Good Agenda Ask questions that need to be answered Ask questions that need to be answered Build in Decision Rules Build in Decision Rules Be thorough Be thorough Keep it consistent Keep it consistent Use it – stick to it Use it – stick to it
Collect Useful Data What do you need to know to answer the questions you’ll be asking? What do you need to know to answer the questions you’ll be asking?
During the Meeting 1. Make it easy for classroom teachers to participate 2. Stick to the agenda 3. Present data in visual forms 4. Include all children 5. Make commitments to problem solve at a later date 6. Take minutes
Make it Easy for Teachers Teachers “just” show up Data are provided Minutes are taken by others
Stick to the Agenda
Present Data Visually Grade level chart Grade level chart Individual student graphs Individual student graphs Color Coding Color Coding Mark 6 Week Intervals Mark 6 Week Intervals
Make Commitments to Problem Solve at a Later Date - Identify the need to develop or modify a plan - Determine who needs to participate - Assign tasks - Follow through
Take Minutes Important for accountability Important for accountability Historical record Historical record Laptop at meeting Laptop at meeting Designated recorder Designated recorder
After the Meeting Get Minutes Out Promptly Get Minutes Out Promptly Follow Through on Commitments Follow Through on Commitments Share On-Going Progress Monitoring Share On-Going Progress Monitoring
Get Minutes Out Promptly to all team members Each meeting is added to the previous meeting Staff are expected to read them
Follow Through on Commitments “When you get right down to the root of the meaning of the word “succeed”, you find that it simply means to follow through.” - F.N. Nichol
Share On-Going Progress Monitoring Data are used to inform instruction Data are used to inform instruction Adjustments are made as needed Adjustments are made as needed
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Aristotle