M & E for K to 12 BEP in Schools
Objectives: enhance KSAs on Monitoring and Evaluation adapt appropriate M & E tool for K to 12 in school level At the end of the session, the participants will be able to: enhance KSAs on Monitoring and Evaluation adapt appropriate M & E tool for K to 12 in school level At the end of the session, the participants will be able to: enhance KSAs on Monitoring and Evaluation adapt appropriate M & E tool for K to 12 in school level At the end of the session, the participants will be able to: enhance KSAs on Monitoring and Evaluation adapt appropriate M & E tool for K to 12 in school level Objectives: At the end of the session, the participants should be able to: enhance KSAs on Monitoring and Evaluation adapt appropriate monitoring tools for K to 12 at the school level
Group Activity Write your personal experience about Monitoring and Evaluation. Differentiate Monitoring from Evaluation Present your output in three (3) minutes
Factors/areas monitored and evaluated Thinking Aloud! Factors/areas monitored and evaluated (what?) Reasons (why?) Methods used (how?)
It also takes monitoring and evaluation to go together…
What is Monitoring? Although the term “monitoring and evaluation” tends to get run together as if it is only one thing, monitoring and evaluation are, in fact, two distinct sets of organizational activities, related but not identical.
What is Monitoring? Monitoring the systematic collection and analysis of information as a project progresses. It is aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of a project or organization. It is based on targets set and activities planned during the planning phases of work.
What is Monitoring? Monitoring It helps to keep the work on track, and can let management know when things are going wrong. If done properly, it is an invaluable tool for good management, and it provides a useful base for evaluation. It enables you to determine whether the resources you have available are sufficient and are being well used, whether the capacity you have is sufficient and appropriate, and whether you are doing what you planned to do
M&E is more than an activity, more than collecting data, and more than reporting. It is purposive, deliberate, and systematically undertaken.
What is Monitoring? Monitoring involves: Setting up systems to collect information relating to these indicators; Collecting and recording the information; Analyzing the information; Using the information to inform day-to-day management.
Monitoring is an internal function in any project or organization
What is Evaluation? Evaluation involves: Looking at what the project or organization intended to achieve – what difference did it want to make? What impact did it want to make? Assessing its progress towards what it wanted to achieve, its impact targets. Looking at the strategy of the project or organization. Did it have a strategy? Was it effective in following its strategy? Did the strategy work? If not, why not?
What is Evaluation? Evaluation involves: Looking at how it worked. Was there an efficient use of resources? What were the opportunity costs of the way it chose to work? How sustainable is the way in which the project or organization works? What are the implications for the various stakeholders in the way the organization works.
Efficiency Effectiveness Impact Indicators of M & E Efficiency Effectiveness Impact
Efficiency Indicators of M&E tells you that the input into the work is appropriate in terms of the output. This could be input in terms of money, time, staff, equipment and so on.
Effectiveness Indicator of M&E is a measure of the extent to which a development program or project achieves the specific objectives it set. If, for example, we set out to improve the qualifications of all the high school teachers in a particular area, did we succeed?
Impact Indicator of M&E tells you whether or not what you did made a difference to the problem situation you were trying to address.
Impact Indicators of Monitoring Was your strategy useful? Before deciding to get bigger, or to replicate the project elsewhere, you need to be sure that what you are doing makes sense in terms of the impact you want to achieve.
Continuous Improvement Areas of M & E Planning Decision-making Continuous Improvement
Areas of M & E Planning The Plan provides the scope of monitoring and evaluation. The Plan defines the areas to be monitored and evaluated
Areas of M & E Plan provides the: destination (outcomes) directions (strategies) and means (resources) to get to the destination.
The Plan should be: Areas of M & E Accurate Correct Clearly written (targets and indicators)
Decision-making Areas of M & E the process of identifying and selecting alternatives, directions, and/or solutions
Continuous Improvement Areas of M & E Continuous Improvement a management process where delivery processes are constantly evaluated and improved in the light of efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility
Continuous Improvement Areas of M & E Continuous Improvement M&E is undertaken not just for troubleshooting or making corrections. It is an important element for improving practices in order to increase the likelihood of achieving the desired outcomes. Monitoring and evaluation are means to support the continuous learning processes of an organization.
Four interrelated processes of M & E Planning Monitoring Adjustments Evaluation
M&E Frame Elements M&E Frame Elements 1. M&E Reasons & Interests Objectives Questions Information Requirements / Scope 3. Monitoring Processes & Strategies Monitoring Standards Monitoring Processes & workflow Monitoring Tools. 2. M&E Strategies Methods of Information Analysis Methods of Data Capture/Collection Information Source
Measure of Performance Types of M & E Types of M & E Description Measure of Performance Timing Progress M&E Assessment of an ongoing implementation. The objective is to steer implementation as efficiently as possible based on the approved plan. Efficiency Physical Accomplishment (Actual versus Plan) During Implementation
Measure of Performance Types of M & E Types of M & E Description Measure of Performance Timing Initial Gains Evaluation Keeps track of the changes or improvement in the behavior, performance and practices of the target group/s. Initial Gains Improvement in the performance of target group/s Middle of the Implementation and before the termination of the current plan
Measure of Performance Types of M & E Types of M & E Description Measure of Performance Timing Results or Outcome M&E Measures the realization of Outcome level objectives; Determines the effectiveness of the implementation Effectiveness – achievement of benefits immediately after the end of implementation
Measure of Performance Types of M & E Types of M & E Description Measure of Performance Timing Impact Evaluation Measures the contribution of the interventions to a higher level objective Impact – achievement of long term objectives Post Implementation (not immediate)
Misconceptions M&E is about submitting reports. Report preparation and submission is just one of the many functions in M&E. It includes the process of gathering data and information, analyzing them, writing and presenting these in a format that will facilitate decision making. These reports will be the basis for future actions and future designs of programs and projects.
Misconceptions M&E is about field visits and data gathering. The M&E System is often equated to filling up forms, tables, and matrices. The more important activity of validating the data and information is often neglected. The practice of filling up forms, tables, and matrices lead to erroneous data and information. M&E is about field visits and data gathering.
School M&E System This is a M&E system for the schools, designed to meet the information needs and decision making requirements of the school heads, teachers and school's nonteaching staff.
School M&E System The School M&E System empowers the school managers and teachers to make intelligent decisions based on data and information it gathers about its own performance and progress. It is a system designed to minimize the school's dependence from externally generated report about school performance which often arrives late and in a form not useful to the school's decision making requirements.
School M&E System The School M&E System tracks the following: the quality of learners participation which includes attendance, classroom participation, academic performance the quality of the learning environment which includes school facilities, textbooks and materials
School M&E System The School M&E System tracks the following: the quality of the teaching and learning process the participation of the school stakeholders like the parents, communities, local government units the capability of the school administrators on school based management, and the efficiency of the school to deliver school programs and projects outlined in the SIP
M&E of K to 12 in Schools Goals and Objectives: DepEd Memorandum No. 196, s. 2012 Goals and Objectives: identify strengths and weaknesses of the K t0 12 teacher training, curriculum and support instructional packages determine teachers’ extent of participation in performing their roles as implementers of K to 12 curriculum
Key Information Needed: On Curricular and Scope Curricular coverage Sequencing of competencies Clustering of competencies within and across learning areas Appropriateness of content and performance standards
Key Information Needed: B. On Instructional Delivery Availability of provided LMs and TGs Provision of holistic, integrative and interactive learning Use of additional time for tool subjects (ICL) and special instructional programs/interventions
Monitoring instruments: Key Informants: Monitoring instruments: Teacher Pupils/students Principal Parents Classroom Observation Interview FGD
M & E Tool Form 1: Enclosure No. 3 to Deped Memorandum No. 196, s. 2012 Form 3: Enclosure No. 3 to Deped Memorandum No. 196, s. 2012
Activity Each group will receive an M & E results on K to 12 for Grades 1 and 7. Based on the findings, what are your specific plan of action? Present your output in 5 minutes using the template provided.
Findings/Issues & Concerns Plan of Action Findings/Issues & Concerns M&E Strategies Next steps