Ireland is a country in Europe
Dublin is the most populated city in Ireland. The capital city of Ireland is Dublin. Dublin is the most populated city in Ireland.
The people that live in Ireland are IRISH. Irish people speak English and Gaelic.
The irish flag is … …GREEN,WHITE and ORANGE. The green represents Catholics (South), the orange is for Protestants (North), and the white symbolizes the hope for peace between the two groups.
The most famous symbol in Ireland is the SHAMROCK. Shamrocks have three leaves. Good luck!
The legend of the LEPRECHAUN They are old men, usually shoemakers. They are very rich and like to hide there gold in secret locations. If you can catch a leprechaun, you get his pot of gold. The pot of gold can be found at the end of a rainbow!
This is Saint Patrick the saint patron of Ireland. Saint Patrick´s Day is celebrated on the 17th of March all around the world.
Their traditional music is celtic music Their traditional music is celtic music. It is played with these instruments: