P ETROLEUM By. Mikah Pacheco and Michael Weldon
D ESCRIPTION Petroleum is a flammable liquid. It is found in rock formations underneath us. In Greek it means “rock oil.” It is a nonrenewable resource. It is mostly a thick black substance.
H ISTORY F ACTS Has been around for more then 4,000 years. Today, wells that have been used for petroleum uses are one-fourth of the size that they were over 30 years ago. In Baghdad, their first streets were paved with tar. Which was made from some petroleum. In 1996 there was an estimated amount of 1,050,000 million barrels recovered.
H OW IT ’ S FOUND AND RECOVERED It is found in the ground And are recovered using oil derricks.
H OW IT IS R ELEASED / STORED After it is recovered it is put into barrels. Then once this is done, it is later put into cars where the energy is released.
H OW IT IS USED TODAY … It fuels our cars, airplanes…etc. It helps heats our houses. Plays an important part in the making of medical equipment. It is used in asphalt, that paves our roads. As you see in the picture below: Baby Blue: Liquified Petroleum Gases. Light Brown: Gasoline Orange: Diesel Blue: Heating oils White:Heavy fuel oil Turquois:Jet fuel Green: Other products
A DVANTAGES & D ISADVANTAGES Advantages: Is easily transported. It fuels our transportation for our daily commutes. Disadvantages: Oil spills The environment and animals are endangered due to the spills. Non renewable.
E CONOMIC IMPACTS Today in the U.S. only 40% of petroleum makes up the amount of energy used. The United States consumes the most gas out of any other country. We use 20,687,420 barrels each year. China is the next country that uses the most gas. They use 7,201,280 barrels in a year. On July 11 th, 2008 the amount of a barrel was at its highest. ($147) Then in December it went down to $100 a barrel. It is estimated that in about the year 2020 the amount of barrels that would be used per day would reach to around 100 million barrels per day. In the United States we produce around 6.5 million barrels a day.
E NVIRONMENTAL D ANGERS Air pollution Water pollution Wildlife is endangered Oil spills from ships were found to be the most well-known problem involving petroleum. Another known way that oil leaks into water is from a leak in a jet ski and motorboats.
T HE F UTURE Is going to be the Fuel of the past because it is a non-renewable resource. And we will eventually run out of the total amount of the supply on Earth. Will be replaced with new ways of energy. Such as: - Solar and wind energy - Electric (electric cars) - And several others.
I NTERESTING F ACTS Japan called it burning water. Is a Greek word that means rock oil. The oil spills that are caused from petroleum are cleaned up by using hair and mushrooms as a sponge. The largest oil spill took place in 1991, which was off the coast in Persian Gulf and in Saudi Arabia. They spilt 240 million gallons into the ocean.