The Leader In Me A Journey in Leadership Winchester Elementary West Seneca, New York
The Journey Begins… Read “The Leader in Me” Feb Discussed with Staff Development Director and Asst. Superintendent of C/I Discussed with SDMT Met 7 Habits Trainer at Staff Dev Day March 2009 Discussed program at team meetings Phone Conference with Mr. Brett Davis April 2009 Presented at faculty meeting Vision Day June 11, 2009 Outline established for school year Met with School Superintendent and Staff Development Director 7 Habits Training for staff August 2009 Discussed program with PTA Board Met with SDMT to establish goals “The Leader in Me” implementation training September 2009 Presentation at “Open House “ September 2009
7 Habits Be Proactive Begin With The End In Mind Put First Things First Think “Win, Win” Seek to Understand, Before Understood Synergize Sharpen the Saw
Goal Winchester Elementary, located in the located in the West Seneca School District, West Seneca, New York will be known as a “7 Habits” Lighthouse School by the end of the third year of implementation
Goal: Year One Teachers commit to immersing students into the language of “7 Habits” Teachers will expose students to each habit during the first 7 days of the school year. Implementation of “put first things first” – goal setting will be main objective for year one. Teachers and students will develop goals daily, weekly, monthly Teachers will meet every Friday for 15 minutes to discuss classroom lessons, successes and challenges Winchester Elementary will host their first “Leadership Day” in April 2010
7 Habits Training
Leadership Mission:Vision: