Finance & Administrative Guidelines Muluhiwot Getachew Familiarization Workshop April 22 – 24, 2013, Adama
Finance Department Issues and settles advances & petty cash Petty cash will be established at Regional & Zonal levels Petty cash custodians will need to open a bank account Documents will be sent to HQ for reimbursement Completeness of documents means quicker reimbursement
Human Resources Office Staff benefits – medical, salaries, staff development etc Processes casual contracts – field assistants, enumerators etc Performance management system
Procurement Dept Any purchases that cost above $100 Request will have to be submitted from HQ Vehicle insurance claims
Transport & Garage Fleet of cars available for rental Major services for ILRI vehicles are done at ILRI’s Garage In transition stage at the moment
Travel Expenses - Staff ILRI Staff Travel: ILRI Per diem rates applied. Per diem shall be paid for travel outside of duty station Accommodation shall be reimbursed with receipts with complete information Expense report must be filled out properly including departure time and arrival time Travel expenses can be reimbursed from petty cash
Travel Expenses contd Correct information needs to be provided on TERs: – Name of the traveler – TIN number on accommodation receipts – Number of days that are paid – Reason for travel must be clearly stated on the document Travel to Addis must be approved by supervisor prior to taking place
Travel Expenses - Partners Payments to partners are made using the LIVES per diem rate Recipients must sign on designated form with sufficient details (name, reason for payment, number of days, rate)
LIVES Per Diem Rate
LIVES Per Diem Rate – contd Receipts will not be required for accommodation Fuel will be reimbursed based on round trip distance in km and assuming 5km/liter Public transportation costs will be reimbursed based on receipts (round trip) For study tours organized by LIVES, ILRI per diem rates will be used
Petty Cash Purchases Should not be higher than $100 Ensure that the name ILRI appears on the receipt as the buyer (not the individual’s name or LIVES) ILRI’s TIN number must also included ( ) Cost centers musts be included WHEN IN DOUBT, CALL HQ (Pam or MG) AND CHECK!
Vehicle Usage The ILRI vehicle is subject to ILRI rules and regulations, in addition: Only drivers should drive project vehicles Drivers are solely responsible for vehicles Vehicle movement should be properly recorded on the log book
Vehicle Usage contd Personal use of vehicles is allowed but must be reported and the individual will be charged at the ILRI rate Any damage to the vehicles must be reported immediately Annual inspection & insurance stickers must be placed on the vehicle windshield Vehicles service & maintenance must be completed in a timely manner
Performance Management ILRI has a new performance management system Based on Key Result Areas (KRAs) Each KRA has key activities and indicators of achievement