COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS IN DUNDEE Stewart Murdoch Director of Leisure and Communities Dundee City Council
‘THE DUNDEE WEAVE’ 142,000 People – 66,000 Households – 5 National Priorities – 15 National Outcomes – One Dundee Partnership SOA – 7 Theme Group Delivery Plans – 8 Decentralised Areas – 8 Local Community Planning Partnerships - 8 Local Community Plans 5 Community Regeneration Forums –
The Partnership Context The Dundee Community Planning Partnership evolved from a multi-agency partnership which was established in Seven strategic themes: Community Safety Learning and Culture Work and Enterprise The Environment Building Stronger Communities Children and Young People Health and Care In addition there are a number of cross-cutting themes.
Local Community Planning Partnerships cover the eight multi-member wards in the city. Policy of decentralisation which has encouraged community involvement and emphasised community decision-making. The Council supports Community Regeneration Forums in each locality. Each of the eight LCPP areas have a local community plan and a community engagement strategy. This structure provided a firm foundation for the development of the Community Safety Partnership
KEY PRIORITIES EMERGING FROM LOCAL COMMUNITY PLANS Building Stronger Communities Improve the quality and range of community facilities Create new opportunities for young people to convey a positive image to the wider community Increase levels of engagement to influence service planning and provision Upgrade existing and create new outdoor play facilities for children.
KEY PRIORITIES EMERGING FROM LOCAL COMMUNITY PLANS Community Safety Create more diversionary activities for young people Reduce levels of vandalism and graffiti Reduce levels of alcohol and substance misuse Reduce levels of anti-social behaviour
KEY PRIORITIES EMERGING FROM LOCAL COMMUNITY PLANS Dundee Environment Reduce levels of litter and rubbish dumping Develop quality green and open spaces Improve condition of roads and pathways Increase lighting in parks
KEY PRIORITIES EMERGING FROM LOCAL COMMUNITY PLANS Health and Wellbeing Increase opportunities and access to physical and recreational activities Reduce levels of drugs and alcohol misuse and provide more local support for families affected Improve mental wellbeing for people of all ages Provide a greater choice of health improvement activities and better information to raise awareness of opportunities
KEY PRIORITIES EMERGING FROM LOCAL COMMUNITY PLANS Learning and Culture Use creative approaches to learning opportunities Increase opportunities with emphasis on diversity eg people with additional support needs Identify appropriate and accessible venues which are conducive to adult learning Provide learning and cultural opportunities in a wider range of settings
KEY PRIORITIES EMERGING FROM LOCAL COMMUNITY PLANS Work and Enterprise Increase training opportunities and improve employment prospects Improve the appearance of local shops Increase opportunities to access career, employment, benefits and financial advice Use innovative approaches to provide training and work experience placements for young people.
PRIORITIES EMERGING ACROSS ALL LOCAL PLANS Reduce levels of alcohol and drugs misuse Improve community wellbeing Create more or different opportunities for young people Increase levels of recycling through expansion of facilities Develop green and open spaces to be accessible and safe Reduce levels of anti-social behaviour
“the Dundee weave – the fabric of society”
The Community Safety Partnership Co-chaired by the Head of Community Learning and Development and the Divisional Commander for Tayside Police. Both are represented on the Management Group for the Dundee Partnership. The Divisional Commander is also a member of the CYPPC Chief Officers' group; the Crime Reduction Inspector is a member of the Decentralisation Group of the partnership. The Police are also represented on each of the LCPP's
Strategic Links The Community Safety Partnership is respected for its work and strongly integrated. The work is informed by the production of a regular strategic assessment. Produced by the Crime Intelligence Unit (CIU). The Strategy and Action Plan provide clear measures against which both City Council and Police actions are taken forward and performance measured and reported annually.
Strategic Links Service Level Agreements exist for: CIU Analyst posts; the Duncan link officer; Police ASB Team; Mobile CCTV driver. The Community Safety Partnership provided funding to support Operation Dry-Up, tackle youth alcohol consumption and associated antisocial behaviour. The partnership has developed a joint protocol in respect of civil emergencies. The Community Safety Manager and Antisocial Behaviour Team Leader attend Tayside Police Divisional Tasking and Co-ordination meetings
Operational Joint working between ASB Team, Community Safety Wardens, Community Safety Workers and Tayside Police. Use made of antisocial behaviour legislation in respect of closure notices, evictions and ASBOs. The Operational Group provides the mechanism for effective co-ordination and operational tasking. Effective - because it brings together those with budget-holding responsibility.
Warden/Police Joint Briefing
Joint Working Senior Community Safety Wardens regularly visit the Police Control Room. Importance is attached to the national intelligence model for daily tasking. Reports also provide strategic information to Local Community Planning Partnerships and to other community planning themes.
Visible Partnership Approach
Outcomes Key Achievements 2008/ incidents/issues addressed by Community Safety Wardens. Searches for 49 missing children and vulnerable adults - all found! 62 groups supported to deliver personal safety message to 6,667 participants at events. 15 staff undertaking accredited training at SVQ level No breaches of trust or of confidentiality.
Future Development The Local Action Fund - high impact in terms of reducing fear of crime, quality of life and reducing workload! Intelligence has highlighted customer service issues and enabled other departments to respond more rapidly. The partnership is currently working on co- location of the Community Safety Team; the Antisocial Behaviour Team; the Crime Reduction Unit; the Community Intelligence Unit; Fire and Rescue Hot Desk; and Emergency Planning Hot Desk.
Sharps Retrieval
Responding to issues
Success owes a lot to good preparation, clear documentation and the commitment to joint working, but it is achieved through personal relationships and a focus on outcomes.
"I can remember when this work started and I would hate to go back to a time when we did not have Community Safety Wardens and integrated working between Tayside Police and Dundee City Council." Deputy Divisional Commander Kevin Lynch