Staff Survey Frances Hewison, Human Resources 19 February 2014
Background The University conducted its first Staff Survey in The 2010 Survey was conducted on the University’s behalf by Capita Surveys and Research and we engaged them again in The 2013 Survey was open from 18 th November until 20 th December. The Survey could be completed on line, on paper or by telephone.
Completion Rates 56% of staff completed the Survey. This was an improvement on the 2010 completion rate of 52%. Over 2,800 people completed the Survey. Some differences in response rate by area.
Areas of Strength University is a good place to work People generally enjoy their work People say their work is varied and interesting to them People say their work gives them a sense of achievement People are interested in the University; to them it is not just a job Equality and diversity – people say that they are treated with respect and fairly
Areas for Improvement Workload and Bureaucracy Communication Managing Change Facilities
Further information University level results published on Achieving Excellence section of the Intranet: survey/ Roadshows for all staff: 26 February amElectrical Engineering 201 (E1) 27 February pmBrunner Lecture Theatre, Chemistry Building 27 February pmLecture Theatre, Rendall Building
Next Steps Further Reports – Faculty, School/Institute, Department level; equality reports. Discussion of results through the Faculties and Professional Services Action plans to address the key areas for improvement by the end of May 2014 Ongoing monitoring of action plans and progress reports