e-Portfolios-Based Learning Ursula Quinn ICT Lecturer Southern Regional College Portadown Campus
Introduction The e-portfolio based learning pilot was aimed at year olds apprenticeship students who required the Key skills ICT Level 1 or 2 course. We decided to pilot e-portfolio building as a natural development of Key skills ICT training. The pilot project was initially tested across a small cohort (approx. 24 students) progressing to all the apprenticeship students at the Portadown Campus. 87.5% of students completed e-portfolios in 2007/08.
Innovative Managed Learning Environments assignments & e-portfolios user presence instant messaging and SMS screencasts & podcasts custom infrastructure integration
The Student’s Perspective Using e-portfolios showed the true capability of their work. New skills of submitting their work electronically for assessment, etc. Confidence in file management. Better knowledge of course content and referencing evidence. Ownership of portfolio and flexibility of portfolio building. Student views obtained by Surveymonkey
The background team Commencing e-portfolio based learning required planning and discussion with ILT champions about the technical and software requirement for the following: Submission of students work Marking and student feedback Recording progression Internal and External verification
SUBMITTING WORK It was essential that students understand file management before commencing e-portfolio assessment. Students downloaded their assignment from the SRC IT Campus web-page and commenced gathering evidence to meet the course criteria. If it requires amendments the file would be sent back to the student who can re-submit their work three times for marking. Comments and students feedback is recorded by the Lecturer using the feedback section.
Verifier’ comments Internal Verifier External Verifier June 2008 Delighted that we have commenced e- portfolio assignments. Good structured file management with all evidence required in sub-folders.
Demonstration Students uploading work for marking. Marking using a tablet Students obtaining feedback Internal verification comments External verification comments.