Decision Making and Performance Management in Public Finance Kamu Maliyesinde Karar Alma ve Performans Yönetimi TR08IBFI03 DAY 2: Key Concepts of Strategic Planning – Case: Value Implementation at MEE Tapio Laamanen 11th January 2011
Decision Making and Performance Management in Public Finance Kamu Maliyesinde Karar Alma ve Performans Yönetimi TR08IBFI03 Strategic Starting Points of the MEE Basic remit The Ministry of Employment and the Economy will be responsible for the operating environment of Finland’s entrepreneurship and innovation activities, for securing the functioning of the labour market and workers’ employability, as well as for regional development within the global economy. Strategic intent 2011 Finland ranks among the top countries in international comparisons of competitiveness and welfare. Finland has the world’s best innovation environment.
Decision Making and Performance Management in Public Finance Kamu Maliyesinde Karar Alma ve Performans Yönetimi TR08IBFI03 Values of the MEE To serve the Government and to implement the Government programme To serve the Citizens, Customers Legislation: Government Civil Servants Act The ethics of the Civil servants’ (orders and recommendations by the Ministry of Finance/Employer)
Decision Making and Performance Management in Public Finance Kamu Maliyesinde Karar Alma ve Performans Yönetimi TR08IBFI03 Values of the MEE – The Process On the basis of the Ministry’s basic remit and strategic intent Process led by the Permanent Secretary and the Personnell Director Synthesis of bottom up and top down approaches Participation: possibility to contribute, to commit Web questionnaire to the whole personnell Value as such already in the merge process of the ministries Discussions in each department, unit, division Values also a part of the the individual development discussions between a superior and a subordinate Important means to unite the culture of the new Ministry
Decision Making and Performance Management in Public Finance Kamu Maliyesinde Karar Alma ve Performans Yönetimi TR08IBFI03 Pallojen koko kuvaa aihealuetta käsittelevien vastausten määrää (% kaikista vastauksista), X-akseli aiheiden koettua tärkeyttä ja Y-akseli aiheiden tärkeydestä vallitsevaa erimielisyyttä. Y =Importance X= Disagreement* Value Basis of the MEE Cooperation and Common rules 35 % Creativity 6 % Humanity 14 % Capability to change 12 % Target orientation 10 % Capability development and mobilization 12 % Information 9 % Customer orientation 6 % Motivative duties 11 % Openess and Partisipation 19 %
Decision Making and Performance Management in Public Finance Kamu Maliyesinde Karar Alma ve Performans Yönetimi TR08IBFI03 Values of the MEE Creativity and effectiviness Openess and cooperation Humanity and fairness
Decision Making and Performance Management in Public Finance Kamu Maliyesinde Karar Alma ve Performans Yönetimi TR08IBFI03 Values of the MEE Creativity and effectiveness The MEE is influential in Finnish society and in the country’s operating environment. We work together, as professionals, both in Finland and internationally in order to ensure top-of- the-world competitiveness and welfare for Finland, alongside with the world’s best innovation environment. Our operations promote sustainable development. We share common and clear targets. Our activities are fruitful and effective. We do the right things and work efficiently and in a creative way in implementing the targets. We encourage creativity and innovativeness as well as the generation of new ideas. Moreover, we remember customer-orientation in all of our activities. We are ready for continuous change.
Decision Making and Performance Management in Public Finance Kamu Maliyesinde Karar Alma ve Performans Yönetimi TR08IBFI03 Values of the MEE Openness and cooperation In its work, the MEE ensures the reliability of public activities, in order to maintain citizens’ and enterprises’ confidence in the equality, independence and fairness of public authorities’ activities. Openness refers to our preparedness to accept criticism and change alongside changes in the operating environment. We support the active exchange of opinions. In addition, we foster the sharing of information and competence. We support tools, operational models and forums that facilitate the sharing of information and competence. The MEE will achieve its goals via cooperation between units operating under and within the Ministry, both nationally and internationally. We appreciate the customer service approach and are developing it further. Our cooperation bears the hallmark of flexibility and a genuine willingness to cooperate. We want to be easy to approach and to construct relationships in the long-term.
Decision Making and Performance Management in Public Finance Kamu Maliyesinde Karar Alma ve Performans Yönetimi TR08IBFI03 Values of the MEE Humanity and fairness The MEE is a public sector operator. Humanity and fairness form the basis of our sound administrative governance, decision-making and treatment of customers. They also underpin our responsible operating procedures, trust and equality. In our everyday work, we appreciate our partners and each other. We are developing a culture of mutual care and attention. We nurture the reconciliation of working life and family life.
Decision Making and Performance Management in Public Finance Kamu Maliyesinde Karar Alma ve Performans Yönetimi TR08IBFI03 Creativity and effectiviness Do this way: I am ready for changes and to develop myself. I allow response and I tolerate critisism. I punish from any mistake, even though they were done in good faith. I shout out my will. I am not satified with a first altenative or former way of action. I learn new things and I am ready to act in a new way. I don’t prioritize, I am satisfied with the old ways of action and a first alternative. I don’t learn any new things, because learning and new ways of action take too much time. I don’t prepare myself to meetings. I transform strategies to targets, I prioritize and I prepare myself well to meetings. I don’t resist changes, I can use humble diplomacy. Strategy is nonsense. I resist any change. Don’t do this way: An example to implement values…
Decision Making and Performance Management in Public Finance Kamu Maliyesinde Karar Alma ve Performans Yönetimi TR08IBFI03 Openess and cooperation Do this way: I share information across the borders of the departments and divisions. I promote interactive decision making. I own my information. I do everything by myself. I don’t trust on the competence of the others. I turn my back to the ones who have something to ask me. I share information equally and at the same time. I share information to the administrative sector without coordinating the message with other actors in the ministry. I create and maintain forums to share opinions – both formal and informal. I roll. I don’t give space to real interaction. Don’t do this way: An example to implement values…
Decision Making and Performance Management in Public Finance Kamu Maliyesinde Karar Alma ve Performans Yönetimi TR08IBFI03 Humanity and Fairness Do this way: I give space to others’ opinions. I roll with my opinions. I don’t tolerate others’ questions. I respect and trust on others’ work. I may make mistakes, but I learn by them. I do everything by myself, because I am the best in my business. I don’t make mistakes. I believe that there are no stupid questions. I develop and maintain my competence. I don’t trust on others’ work. I often work overtime. I work at home at evenings. Don’t do this way: An example to implement values…