Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 Lepton Nucleon Scattering at TeV cms Energies - the Large Hadron Electron Collider.


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Presentation transcript:

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 Lepton Nucleon Scattering at TeV cms Energies - the Large Hadron Electron Collider Project - LHeC - Max Klein IoP meeting on the LHC upgrade, Liverpool, 27/6/2007 New Physics High Precision QCD New Parton Dynamics Partons in Nuclei The LHeC Project

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 Kinematic coverage of lepton proton scattering experiments

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 The Role of Deep Inelastic Scattering Resolution of Nucleon Structure ep facilities are the highest resolution microscopes using the virtual boson to resolve nucleon’s structure. The LHeC will explore dimensions around and below m.

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 The Role of Deep Inelastic Scattering DIS determines the partonic dynamics and distributions with the best possible accuracy. Precision measurements of the quark and gluon momentum distributions in the proton will be crucial to understand physics beyond the standard model. At the LHeC fundamental measurements on pdf’s are possible: the gluon distribution, ALL quark distributions, e.g. b, d/u, s-sbar. also generalised, unintegrated, diffractive and nuclear parton densities - for the first time, in a new range + precise!

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 The Role of Deep Inelastic Scattering Formation of eq Resonances ep facilities lead to the possible formation of eq resonances at masses as high as M 2 = sx. With high energy (s), high luminosity (large x) and variation of lepton beam charge and polarisation eq resonance spectroscopy can be studied, should new states exist (LQ, RPV SUSY)

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 DIS and Drell Yan Kinematics LHC Q 2 =M 2 x=(M/√s) e  y heavy masses: large Bjorken x lower masses & forward physics: low Bjorken x

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 Partons and the LHC Parton luminosity to 1-2% requires partons to be known to 1-2% [low x, extrapolation resummation, HQ,..] Gluon and beauty and u/d distributions crucial for observations of new physics [cf high Et jet excess at Tevatron]

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 A new level of precision and kinematic range Design detector [range, calibration] to measure  s to per mil accuracy (thy N k LO) Full simulation of NC, CC including systematics and NLO fit The strong coupling constant is the worst measured coupling of all Unification at GUT scale?

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 Detector requirements [under further study] High luminosity to reach high Q 2 and large x Largest possible acceptance o o High resolution tracking 0.1 mrad mrad Precision electromagnetic calorimetry 0.1% % Precision hadronic calorimetry 0.5% 1% High precision luminosity measurement 0.5% 1% The new collider has to be 100 times more luminous than HERA The new detector has to be at least 2 times better than the good old H1 In ep have redundant determination of kinematics from e and X Need low x and high Q2 detectors (fwd, central) LHeC HERA

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 Heavy Quarks - HERA Ws -> c too small luminosity too small Q 2 Pioneering measurements of charm and beauty density. Theoretical treatment of crucial importance for LHC: CTEQ6 7% effect on W,Z from heavy quark treatment. Predictions very much based on extrapolations and on pQCD. No access to strange quarks.

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 Heavy Quarks - LHeC High precision measurements of beauty and charm from impact parameter tagging, also decays with modern Si trackers, beam spot 15 * 35  m 2. Profit from enhanced relative cross section (b/u+d..). Beauty crucial for LHC. Strange and anti-strange quark density From charm tagging in charged currents. Both charges will resolve s-sbar puzzle (NuTeV anomaly, npQCD). b c s

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 valence quarks - xF 3  Z Valence quarks at low x or/and unexpected sea asymmetries from yZ interference HERA I Also from W+ W- at LHC

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 Partons at High x - High Masses Possibly crucial for discovery and interpretation of new states.

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 New Physics E.Perez, DIS07 Extra dimensions: deviations in dijet mass spectra at high masses

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 New Physics - Leptoquarks Appear in many extensions of the SM Scalar or vector colour triplet bosons carry L and B, fractional charge Symmetry between q and l sector Cancellation of QED triangular anomaly Could be discovered via pair production at LHC up to masses of TeV Charge, angular distribution, polarisation determine quantum numbers in ep

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 New Physics - Leptoquarks Charge asymmetry much cleaner in ep than in pp. Similar for simultaneous determination of coupling and quark flavour 10 fb fb -1

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 Low x Physics Is the rise limited, do densities saturate? Evolution dynamics (DGLAP, BFKL..) Final state, diffraction Huge fields of research on their own and in relation to the LHC What is the origin and range of the high density phase? instantons?.. LHeC: basis to understand pp,pA,AA. Neutrino and gamma astrophysics

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 High density amplification? High density Unitarity Striking effects predicted: bj -> black disc limit F 2  Q 2 ln(1/x) ~50% diffraction colour opacity, change of J/  (A) … Understanding the possible observation of QGP in AA with eA

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 Available data on F 2 in nuclei Limited information on quarks and nearly none on gluons K.Eskola (ed), hep-ph/ ; S. Kumano DIS06; D.Florian and R. Sassot, hep-ph/ ; FGS, Phys Rev.D71(05)054001; LMcLerran,Glasma.. The LHeC extends the eA kinematic range by 4 orders of magnitude

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 Determination of nuclear PDF’s In eA at the collider, test Gribovs relation between shadowing and diffraction, control nuclear effects at low Bjorken x to high accuracy S. Kumano DIS06

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 d/u at low x from deuterons Note all QCD fits assume u=d at low x No constraint from HERA [W asymmetry]

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 High Luminosity N p  p /  Np =3.2·10 20 m -1 Power < 50MW Scaling from HERA Crab crossing 9kW SR power in IR Syn.rad. fan confined around ATLAS+CMS ep & pp operation cf. F.Willeke 14/6/07 accelerator seminar at CERN - so far feasible Standard LHC p beam

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, fb -1 in ∑L e e Bjoern Wiik, Gus Voss, Volker Soergel

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 Large Hadron electron Collider Design

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 LHeC Project in June 07 Organisation: steering group 07: working groups 09: CDR 11: TDR for consideration when LHC has revealed sth Accelerator Experts C.Chattopadhyay, R.Garoby, S.Myers, F.Willeke Directors J.Engelen (CERN), R.Heuer (DESY), YK.Kim (Fermilab), P.Bond (BNL) Theorists G.Altarelli, S.Brodsky, J.Ellis, L.Lipatov,F.Wilczek Experimentalists A.Caldwell, J.Dainton, J.Feltesse, R.Horisberger, R.Milner, A.Levy Scientific Advisory Committee Few invitations still outstanding

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 Remarks Carlo Rubbia: CERN DG ICHEP Singapore 1990 LHC pp: 1996, ep: 1998 Study LHeC and its relations to the LHC for the decisions on HEP to come in ~2010

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 Thanks To J.Dainton, P.Newman, E.Perez, F.Willeke D.Pitzl, W.Smith, O.Bruening, H.Burckart, S.Forte J.Bluemlein, U.Klein, T.Kluge, P.Kostka, A.Martin, A.Mehta, W.vanNeerven, W.Tung,.. and members of the SAC for collaboration and encouragement

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 Lepton Polarisation D.Barber

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 Low x Kinematics 10 5 events per pb -1 for Q 2 >100 Lumi ‘easy’ Small angle spectrometer, favourable over THERA kinematics cf THERA book for detector concept [also W.Bartel Aachen 1990] Dramatic extension of low x kinematic range

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 Hi q2 kinematics Maximum luminosity in current design achieved with focusing magnets close to IP (9 o cut) two detectors or detector versions required [cf THERA] Lowx with 10 32, highQ with [higher in upgraded LHC]

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 Strange quark distribution Wu-Ki Tung. HERA LHC 3/07 Wu-Ki Tung. DIS04, and recent developments

Max Klein - IoP Meeting on the SLHC - Liverpool, UK, June 27th, 2007 DIS Bjorken scaling – QPM, PV (high) parton densities neutral currents diffraction asymptotic freedom …. QCD e + e - J/ Ψ 3 neutrinos … ILC gluons ….. electroweak theory pp charm, W,Z,bottom top LHC … The standard model emerged as a result of decades of joint research in e + e -, ep, pp/hh accelerator experiments, including quark and neutrino mixing. Low x physics related to AA and to high energy neutrino physics. There is no quantitative understanding of Tevatron data without HERA. Physics is more than the often quoted “dualism” between e + e - and pp ? Parton interaction developments at the energy frontier *) *) incomplete