Assetmanagement in the Netherlands at Rijkswaterstaat Jenne van der Velde People Knowlegde Money Owner Asset- manager Service Provider
Rijkswaterstaat Dreams (environment) Stakeholders: Safe places to live and dry feets Market: For everyone clear what should be achieved Politics: The cheapest way of maintenance Users: Always available and hardly any traffic jams
Rijkswaterstaat Dreams (RWS) Constructing Department: We know on time the big renewals which we have to realise Director General: No surprises for the minister Water Department: No floodings because of climate change Regions: Customers can use the networks properly (for example: dry feets) Traffic Department: Enough money for the things we agreed on (SLA’s)
Rijkswaterstaat Rijkswaterstaat in a nutshell Founded in 1798 Around 9,000 employees 240 locations throughout the entire country 10 regional departments and 5 specialised departments, 35 districts, 3 project departments Annual budget: 4 to 5 billion euros (6 to 8 billion dollars)
Rijkswaterstaat Rijkswaterstaat’s area of management Rijkswaterstaat manages three National Infrastructure Networks
Rijkswaterstaat Management Area Main Water Systems Rijkswaterstaat manages: 65,250 km² of surface water 44 kilometres of dunes 325 kilometres of dykes and dams 2,706 kilometres of banks 16 weirs Afsluitdijk and Houtribdijk dykes 4 storm surge barriers
Rijkswaterstaat Management area Main Waterway Network Rijkswaterstaat manages: 1,686 kilometres of canals and rivers, 1,462 kilometres of which main traffic axes 6,165 kilometres of waterway on open water 83 locks 422 bridges
Rijkswaterstaat Why Asset Management? With knowledge concerning the extend and condition of our infrastructural elements, …with the risks in operation of various functions in mind, minimize and avoid costs, …by balancing between acceptable risks and available budgets, …agreeing upon performances and deliver these!
Rijkswaterstaat Decomposition of the networks Maintenance object Basic object Sub-system Overall system Inspection object etc… Network System
Rijkswaterstaat Decomposition (example) Construction Bridge JunctionA – junction B Highway 31 (A31) Pavement Highways A31 in the North etc…
Rijkswaterstaat Decisions (1) Overall system Network Choices between the networks. Rail or road? Politics? Budget! Short term? Long term?
Rijkswaterstaat Decisions (2) Should elements be replaced? When do they have to be replaced? What components do we have to change them with? What is the cohesion? Mainenance object Inspection object
Rijkswaterstaat Perspective Cost, targets, risk long term Maintenance, projects short term Assetmanagement makes the connection Maintenance object Object Subsystem Overall system Inspection object Networks System
Rijkswaterstaat Roles (responsibilities and tasks) Asset OwnerAssetmanagerService provider Future of the network (strategic) Framework Targets Risk Cost Tactical plans Investment strategy Maintenance concept Technology standard Program management Risk management Network management Performance management Operations Renewal Expansions Maintenance Project management Proces Asset data management
Rijkswaterstaat Roles Asset OwnerAssetmanagerService provider Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu Rijkswaterstaat Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu Market unless…..
Rijkswaterstaat Processes Asset OwnerAsset ManagerService provider Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat Markt tenzij….. D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Maintenance Renewal … …. …
Rijkswaterstaat 0 Asset data Network information data Objectives and standards PlansContracts Policy objectives Policy papers Legal regulations Budget schemeSLA (Service Level Agreement) Asset owner – asset manager Standards guidelines Tactical framework Performance and/or condition targets Functional decomposition Risk assessment Investment strategy Inspection strategy Management contracts Internal contracts between headquarters and regional divisions Formats systems Tools SLA-quotation Scenario’s (performance, risk profile and budget) Procurement strategy Network plans Optimization on network parts, prioritization of object classes Maintenance plans Long term maintenance need on object level Contracts with market parties Performance contracts D&C-contracts DBFM-contracts
Rijkswaterstaat People Knowlegdge Money Owner Asset- manager Service provider
Rijkswaterstaat People Knowlegde Money Owner Asset- manager Service Provider
Rijkswaterstaat KPI’s for the future KPI’s based on RAMS (SHEEP) Research ERA-net Road 2010 KPI’s Research ERA-net Road 2011 Innovation in Road maintenance Trends: Less money Less people Not the right knowledge More with less SLA’s with the minister are based on RAMS Together with other ‘wet’ operators
Rijkswaterstaat RAMS (SHEEP) R = Reliability A = Availability M = MaintainabilityFor (parts of) S = Safetythe network S =Securityand not H = Healthobjects E = Environment E = Economics P =Politics
Functions Trafficmanagement Watermanagement Barrier Roadcrossing
Rijkswaterstaat Decomposition based on functions
Rijkswaterstaat Uniform Riskmatrix
Rijkswaterstaat Low maintenance cost Risks related to targets (1)
Rijkswaterstaat Joint projects on assetmanagement? EA and RWS Potential subjects (in progress) LCC KPI’s Data –Collection –Validation –Sharing –….. Risk based inspection Sustainability as example Storm Surge Barriers, Sluces, Dikes, Locks, ……