Comprehensive Literature Review Rowena Stewart, Liaison Librarian Tel: Knowing what you want to read about Bibliographic databases Getting what you’ve found Citations
Knowing what you want to read Identify the major subjects and think of associated words/phrases (“search terms”) including: synonyms and alternative spellings. Professional and colloquial terms What is the staff and patient experience of the 12 step road to addiction recovery ? StaffPatient experience12 step road / addiction recovery Health personnelPatient attitude(s) Client attitude(s) Client satisfaction Compliance Dropout(s) 12 / twelve-step(s)… …program(me)(s) …model(s) …Group participation …recovery Self help group(s) Substance abuse treatment centres(s)/center(s) Narcotics / Alcoholics anonymous
Library catalogue and e-journal pages tell you we have, eg Journal of Traumatic Stress. Not that Zayfert et al in 2005, published in it the article Exposure Utilization and Completion of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for PTSD in a "Real World" Clinical Practice. Library Catalogue cf Bibliographic Databases Bibliographic databases are designed for academic researchers to find that level of information from thousands of publications (abstracts, journals, books, conference proceedings, reports and standards…). Also they often: are subject specific use subject headings/keywords of controlled vocabulary. have an export search history facility N.B. Bibliographic databases 1) provide references/citations for material and often abstracts or summaries as well but only link out to full-text 2) are not limited to what the library has
Using databases Be specific when you start to search for academic papers but, if you are not finding anything to read use broader words and phrases. Remember: Use results to improve your search strategy Truncation, wildcards Boolean logic for combining search terms/sets Proximity indicators A paper’s reference list Consider finding articles citing work you’ve found useful (WoK).
Where to find (out about) databases A-Z list and lists by subject Searcher (default tab) for quick searches and probable full-text
Knowing what you want to read Reviewing the literature systematically combines well focussed research question and search strategy with rigorous appraisal and synthesis of the literature. Someone reading the review must be able to repeat it. Are there limits on the type of studies you want to read? age…geography…gender… What type of information are you after? Academic…Popular…Policy…definitions…summary How much of the literature do you want to read? The scale of reviews runs from narrative to systematic the most rigorous systematic reviews being considered to follow The Cochrane Collaboration method.
Limits and Inclusion Criteria Decide the sort of evidence or methodology most appropriate to your investigation and make them part of your inclusion & exclusion criteria, ie what dictates that a paper/literature is used in your review or is not. Think about what a paper covers and related it to what you want to read about, eg: PICOS model Patient Population or Problem Intervention Comparison Outcome Study design These can be incorporated into search strategy and inclusion criteria. Critical Appraisal “Crib Sheets” are available to help you assess different types of papers, eg
Information Capture Reference management software Export references Can amend records in reference management software with additional information, eg where/how got reference, Cite while you write For your methodology Record your search strategy(ies) for the databases you’ve used You may need to record when you used the databases too Outline your inclusion/exclusion criteria. Know what numbers you want to record, eg PRISMA
Help ISiskills – Rowena Stewart, rm1406 JCMB, Tel: Please get in touch if you would like a run through of the resources available to you and how you can get the best out of them.