Intro to Sql Server Yukon for Developers Wallace B. McClure Scalable Development, Inc. Building systems today that perform tomorrow.
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Agenda Introduction to Yukon for developers. CLR Integration. New.NET Features. TSQL. Other features. Caution: Yukon code is beta 1..NET Framework is Alpha quality. Limited Documentation.
What is Yukon? Next version of the MS Sql Server database. Integration of the.NET Framework into the engine. Beta 2 expected sometime in the early summer. Shipment?
Sql Workbench (SWB) No more Enterprise Manager. No more Sql Server Manager (for the moment). VS.NET inspired management tool. Lots of pieces are disabled at this time. Lets take a look at it…………………
Developer Oriented Featureset CLR in the database. Stored Procedures. Triggers. Functions. Scrollable Server Side Cursors. TSQL Enhancements. Full-Text Search. XML.
CLR in the Database Yukon database engine hosts the CLR. Mechanism to put procedural logic into the database..NET Whidbey framework will be integrated into the engine. Calls to CLR and TSQL objects will be the same. Similar, but safer than extended stored procedures.
When to use what? CLR Object: Complicated procedural logic. Computationally intensive logic. TSQL Object: Set oriented operations. Data oriented operations
New.NET Objects System.Data.SqlServer. SqlContext. GetTriggerContext. Insert. Update. Delete. GetCommand – access to the current command. GetConnection – access to the current connection. SqlProcedure attribute.
CLR Stored Procedure Code [SqlProcedure] public static void sp_Add_URL_DOTNET(string pstrUrl) { SqlCommand sqlCm = SqlContext.GetCommand(); string strSql; string strDomainName = CalculateDomainName(pstrUrl); string strSearchCode = CalculateSearchCode(pstrUrl); try { strSql = "select count(*) from tblSearchUrl where UrlAddress='" + SqlEscape(pstrUrl) + "' and DomainName='" + strDomainName + "' and " + "SearchCode=" + strSearchCode; sqlCm.CommandText = strSql; if ( Convert.ToInt32(sqlCm.ExecuteScalar()) == 0 ) {
strSql = "insert into tblSearchUrl (UrlAddress, UrlStatus, DomainName, SearchCode ) values (" + "'" + pstrUrl + "', 'NEW_URL', '" + SqlEscape(strDomainName) + "', " + strSearchCode + ")"; sqlCm.CommandText = strSql; sqlCm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (System.Exception sysExc) { EventLog.WriteEntry("dbWebSearch", "Error Message: " + sysExc.Message, EventLogEntryType.Information); } finally { sqlCm.Dispose(); } CLR Stored Procedure Code (cont.)
CLR Trigger Code Option Explicit On Option Strict On Imports System.Data.SqlServer Public Class cTimeSheetSql Public Shared Sub trTimeSheetProjectEntryUpdate() Dim sqlTrgCxt As SqlTriggerContext = SqlContext.GetTriggerContext Dim sqlCm As SqlCommand = SqlContext.GetCommand Dim strSql As String = "update tblProjectEntry set DateUpdated='" & DateTime.Now.ToString() & "' where tblProjectEntryId in (select tblProjectEntryId from inserted)" 'Dim strSql As String = "select count(*) from inserted" Try If (sqlTrgCxt.TriggerAction = Sql.TriggerAction.Update) Then sqlCm.CommandText = strSql sqlCm.CommandType = CommandType.Text sqlCm.ExecuteNonQuery() End If Finally sqlCm = Nothing End Try End Sub
Trigger Installation CREATE ASSEMBLY as TimeSheetObjects FROM 'C:\Documents and Settings\Wallym\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\Local - TimeSheet Project\Local - TimeSheet Project\bin\timeSheetObjectsNS.dll' WITH permission_set = safe CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[tr_tblProjectEntry_Update] ON [dbo].[tblProjectEntry] AFTER UPDATE AS EXTERNAL name TimeSheetObjectsNS:[TimeSheetObjectsNS.cTimeSheetSql]::trTimeSheet ProjectEntryUpdate
Scrollable Server Side Cursors SqlConnection sqlCn = new SqlConnection(strCn); SqlCommand sqlCm = new SqlCommand(); SqlResultSet sqlRs; sqlCm.Connection = sqlCn; sqlCn.Open(); sqlCm.CommandText = strSql; sqlCm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; sqlRs = sqlCm.ExecuteResultSet(ResultSetOptions.Updatable); if ( sqlRs.HasRows == true ) { while(sqlRs.Read()) { //do something sqlRs.Update(); } } sqlRs.Close();
T-Sql Enhancements PIVOT/UNPIVOT. TRY/CATCH. Recursive Queries. Analogous to Oracles CONNECT BY PRIOR. Wait. Others.
Full-Text Search Enhancements Seems to be faster than Sql2k FT. More scalable than Sql2k FT. Can search through multiple columns at one time using Contains and FreeText commands.
Tons of other enhancements: New language constructs for Security. Replication. Notification Services. Triggers. XML Query. XML DataType. Service Broker. User Defined Types. Reporting Services.
Questions? Dont ask about shipment dates because I know nothing about them. END Scalable Development, Inc. Building systems today that perform tomorrow.