Assessment for Learning Teaching and Learning Forum October 2013
DRAFT Assessment Policy The draft policy when completed and approved will replace the University of Plymouth Assessment Policy (2007).Assessment Policy (2007 Following an extensive review of other HEI’s assessment policies (both UK and international) it is proposed to move away from a bulky paper-based assessment handbook (over 90 pages) to a flexible on-line resource that will be able to hold a wealth of resources. The QAA (2013) Quality Code for HE: Chapter B6:Assessment of students and recognition of prior learning ; the NUS Charter (2010)on Feedback & Assessment and the Plymouth University NSS and SPQ survey (2013) have informed this policy review.Chapter B6:Assessment of students and recognition of prior learningNUS Charter
Plymouth University inclusive assessment ambition ‘all students will have an equitable, supported assessment experience’. Inclusive assessments will :- Fairly evaluate students’ ability to meet module and programme learning outcomes and academic standards. Be accessible for all students. Provide every student with an equal opportunity to demonstrate their achievement. Support student engagement, learning, progression,retention and address the needs of our diverse student population. Be authentic and offer students contextualised meaningful tasks that replicate real world challenges through effective programme design. Assessment for Learning 2013 – 2015 Project Authentic learning and inclusive assessment in all Plymouth University programmes ‘Everyone working to the same agenda and challenges ’
Inclusive Assessment is a ‘win-win’ approach: Uses the same assessment for all students; taken at anytime and any location (ODL friendly) Reduces staff workload. Minimises MAPs. Uses instant resits if required to reduce the need for Plymouth-based August exams. Increases NSS & SPQ scores. Inclusive Assessment is a ‘win-win’ approach: Uses the same assessment for all students; taken at anytime and any location (ODL friendly) Reduces staff workload. Minimises MAPs. Uses instant resits if required to reduce the need for Plymouth-based August exams. Increases NSS & SPQ scores. ‘Everyone working to the same agenda and challenges’
Authentic learning and inclusive assessment in Plymouth programmes ‘Everyone working to the same agenda and challenges ’
DRAFT Policy Developed from Good Practice examples and research, to be in line with QAA Quality Code First large scale consultation Will it work for you? Will it work for your students? What is missing?