Motivations Lectures outline Chris Parkes University of Manchester 1.Quark Flavour Physics – Chris Parkes 2.Neutrino Physics – Justin Evans Matter anti-matter.


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Presentation transcript:

Motivations Lectures outline Chris Parkes University of Manchester 1.Quark Flavour Physics – Chris Parkes 2.Neutrino Physics – Justin Evans Matter anti-matter symmetry

2Chris Parkes Acknowledgments / Further Reading Marco S. Sozzi, Discrete Symmetries and CP violation Oxford University Press, 2008 CP violation courses - Eduardo Rodrigues, George Lafferty CP Violation- CERN summer school – Gerhard Raven Flavour in LHC Era - Scottish University Summer School - Tim Gershon 569# Particle Data Group Review articles on CMK quark mixing matrix CP Violation Big Bang Cosmology (background material)

3Chris Parkes

4 Why study CP violation? Broken symmetries in nature - Symmetries have always been historically important in making discoveries - Most symmetries are not broken - Why is matter-antimatter symmetry different? Connection with Cosmology - CP violation is an important ingredient in baryogenesis - Also has a word to say in models of leptogenesis - Degree of violation not enough to generate the effects Connection with New Physics - Means of looking for new physics effects - CP violation may indicate inconsistencies in Standard Model

Chris Parkes 5 Slide from Jonas Rademacker

6Chris Parkes A Lesson From History New Physics shows up first at the intensity frontier rather than at the energy frontier GIM Mechanism used to predict 4 th charm quark (core course) CP Violation / CKM Matrix used to predict 5 th /6 th bottom/top quarks (this course) Neutral currents found before discovery of Z Top quark mass predicted from electroweak corrections in B physics Higgs mass predicted from electroweak corrections W and Z bosons Particularly sensitive loop processes – new particles in internal loops Standard model contributions suppressed /absent Rare decays – flavour changing neutral currents CP Violation Lepton flavour / lepton number / lepton universality

7Chris Parkes Lectures outline (1/2) THEORETICAL CONCEPTS (with a bit of experiment) I.Introductory concepts Matter and antimatter Symmetries and conservation laws Discrete symmetries P, C and T II.CP Violation in the Standard Model Kaons and discovery of CP violation Mixing in neutral mesons Cabibbo theory and GIM mechanism The CKM matrix and the Unitarity Triangle Types of CP violation

8Chris Parkes Lectures outline (2/2) PHENOMENOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTS III.CP violation and K physics Mixing in the neutral kaon system Neutral kaon decays Rare kaon decays IV.CP violation and B physics B factories, old and future experiments Mixing in neutral B mesons Benchmark B decays Rare B decays V.CP Violation and D physics Mixing in neutral D mesons CP Violation Direct. Indirect Future prospects VI.Other topics, Concluding remarks Spectroscopy, Fits Overall CKM triangle Fits