NABH AND NURSES CONTRIBUTION TO QUALITY Mrs. Justina Nancy Mendonca Chief of Nursing Services Columbia Asia Referral Hospital Bangalore
ISQUA ACCREDITATION India has become the 12th country in the world to be accredited by the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) for four years. The accreditation follows the submission of the hospital standards set by NABH to ISQua.
STANDARDS Patient Centered M O C Access Assessment & Continuity of care P R E H I C Care of Patients A C Management of medication Patients Rights and Education Hospital Infection control Patient Centered
ACCESS, ASSESSMENT AND CONTINUITY OF CARE (AAC). 15 standards Services display Patient registration. Transfer / Referral of patients. Admission of patients – Informed Consent. and Relative education. Initial assessment / Regular reassessment. Laboratory services to patient need – safety /QI. Imaging services – safety /QI. Patient care continuous /multidisciplinary in nature Discharge process - documents and discharge summary.
2. CARE OF PATIENTS (COP). 18 standards Uniform care of Patients in all settings. Emergency/Ambulance services – CPR guidelines /Blood product usage. ICU standards –Care of Vulnerable patients P&P on High risk pregnancy, Pediatrics, Anesthesia, Surgical, Pain management, Restrains, Rehabilitation, research activities, nutritional and end of life care.
4. MANAGEMENT OF MEDICATION (MOM) . 13 standards P&P - pharmacy services/usage of medication - hospital formulary - storage - prescription - safe dispensing - administration - patient and family educated on safe medication. Monitoring after medication – food drug interaction - policies in narcotic drugs and psychotropic - chemotherapy - radioactive drugs - prosthesis implantation and use of medical gases.
4. PATIENT RIGHT AND EDUCATION (PRE). 5 standards Organization protection to patient and family rights during care. Support to patient's family for decision making process. Documented - consent - for informed decision making. Information on health needs to patient's family. Cost of care
5. HOSPITAL INFECTION AND CONTROL (HIC). 9 standards Well designed comprehensive infection control programme – manual- surveillance activities. Prevention of Hospital Associated infection (patients & employees). Adequate resources for IC programme. Control of out break of infection. Sterilization activities - biomedical waste management. Training of employees on IC
STANDARDS Management Centered F M S H R M Continuous Quality Improvement R O M C Q I Responsibility of management I M S Facility Management & Safety Human resource Management Management Centered Information Management System
6. CONTINUOUS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT (CQI). 6 standards Quality improvement programme QI indicators and Monitoring – patient care areas QI indicators and Monitoring – Management areas QI programme supported by the management. Audit of patient care services. Sentinel events analysis.
7.RESPONSIBILITIES OF MANAGEMENT (ROM). 5 standards Defined management responsibilities. Documented service provided. Leaders manage in ethical manner. Qualified/Experienced person heads the organization. Ensures pt safety and knows the risk management issues.
8. FACILITY MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY (FMS). 9 standards Organization is aware of rules and regulations complies. Safe environment for patients/families/employees. Clinical and support service equipment management. Plan for Fire and Non fire emergencies. No smoking policy. Plan for community emergencies - Epidemics - disasters - hazardous material management.
9.HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (HRM). 13 standards Human resource planning documented. Orientation of newly joined. Ongoing training. Job responsibilities. Appraisal documented. Disciplinary procedure. Grievance handling. Health needs of the employees. Personal records. Medical professional - Nursing staff – credentials.
10. INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (IMS). 7 standards Data information to all patient care providers. Process of management of data. Medical record keeping. EMRD reflects continuity of care. Records confidentiality - integrity – security of information. Policy and procedures for retention time of records, data and information. Medical audits.
Nurses Contribution Patient care related- Assessment and reassessment. Patient rights Management of medications. Infection control Medical records. Patient safety Emergency and disaster. Patient care related- Code Blue ICU protocols Restraint Vulnerable Pain. All Infection Control Policies. Adverse drug events and reactions Adverse events. Patient Identification Staff Hazards.
Nurses Contribution Admission and discharge. Prescription standards. Inter and intra hospital transfers. Assessment and reassessment Informed consent. Confidentiality and privacy. Patients rights. Complaint handling. Prescription standards. Medication administrations. Verbal orders. High risk medication Labeling and storage. Narcotics. Sound alike look alike medicines.
Sentinel Events Sentinel Events Being No Sentinel Event. PARA AESTHESIA FOLLOWING SPINAL ANESTHESIA. SURGERY ON WRONG SIDE AND WRONG PATIENT WRONG SURGICAL PROCEDURE ADVERSE DRUG REACTION DEATH DURING A PLANNED SURGERY No Sentinel Event. Time out practice . Pre op Checklist. Identification bands. Theater Record. Surgical Site Marking. Surgical safety checklist. Allergy Bands also started. Regular trainings. Regular audits.
INFECTION CONTROL Quality Indicators. Steps of Hand hygiene. BMW act and segregation of waste. Cleaning protocol. Staff vaccination. Spill kits. Isolation protocols. Needle stick injury.
NURSING QUALITY INDICATORS Call bell response. Patient Fall. Medication error. Bedsore. Completion of crash cart checklist. Completion of nursing initial assessment.
DISASTER MANAGEMENT Code Blue. Code yellow. Code Red. Code Pink.
HOW TO FACE AN AUDIT Know your hospital procedure and policies. Know your infection control manual. Awareness on hospital set up and your unit orientation. Awareness of emergency management. Departmental flow chart. Legal issues. Job description and HR policies.