Joint Actions Project Peder Lykke, Denmark 30 th March – 1 st April, 2008 Merope Kapsali
Role of head teacher Head teacher as leader Empowered teachers Positive and helpful learning climate Learner-centered instructional approaches and assessment methods Teacher-learner interaction Teacher-parent co-operation
Role of teachers Flexibility and variety in methods of assessment Avoidance of exclusive reliance on quantitative information Teachers allocated out-of-class time for providing individualised support Teacher-parent consultations and pro-active partnering with parents Participation of pupils themselves
Role of special ed teachers Supportive of learning process within the classroom Partnering and co-teaching with class teacher
Role of educational psychologists Adoption of preventative rather than interventionist approach Support the school in facilitating and promoting learning and development in all pupils and in all areas Adoption of contextual/environmentalist/social adaptation model of assessment and intervention rather than strict medico-psychometric model
Role of educational psychologists Use of a wide variety of methods of psycho- educational assessment Involved in on-going, continuous process of assessment alongside teachers, parents and pupils themselves Supporting teachers in assuming an active, leading role in the assessment of individual needs, in drawing up IEPs and in monitoring the progress of each child in their class
Assessment policy (general) 1994 curriculum on assessment: Principle 3.2 Assessment does not aim at the distinction of some children and the rejection of others but to provide help to all children for the full realization of their potential. This position underlines the importance of assessment for the development of each child according to his/her individual abilities.
Ongoing, systematic procedure Integral part of teaching and learning process A collective and cooperative process Is curriculum-based Concerns all areas of education and development as set out in the curriculum : knowledge, social- emotional, psychomotor etc. Employs diversity of methods and approaches (tests, observations, interviews, pupil's self assessments)
Emphasis given on assessment information being used mainly for individualizing instruction in mixed ability classes.
Current policies Education at pre-primary and primary level is free, compulsory, inclusive, multi-cultural Mixed ability, learner-centered instructional approaches are encouraged Assessment methods that are designed to monitor the progress of each pupil towards his/her goals are endorsed Individual pupil assessment information not used for non-teaching and learning purposes in primary education in Cyprus
supportive policies The Mechanism for the Identification and Support of Children with Learning and Emotional Difficulties (2004) Empowers class teachers and school units to assume responsibility for the learning and development of all their students within a multi- cultural, inclusive setting. Ongoing process of assessment institutionalized Partnership between parents and teachers institutionalized