UGANDA CO-OPERATIVE TRANSPORT UNION LTD Presentation to CoopAfrica Workshop on Transport NOV 2011, City Royal Hotel, Kampala Presented by Nuwagira Naboth Mwejune, General Manager, UCTU 1UCTU
Background UCTU is a Tertiary Cooperative Union. Shareholders are Secondary Cooperative Unions and UCA. Primary societies are allowed to be Associate members but have no vote. UCTU was registered on , Registration Number UCTU is located on Plot 41 Bombo Road with a branch in Kasese. 2UCTU
Objectives To provide transport services to the Cooperative movement and other stakeholders. To import in bulk vehicles and other equipment for members. To provide transport support services to members ( repair and maintenance of vehicles). 3UCTU
Services UCTU operates heavy duty trucks which can load up to 28 metric tonnes. The trucks are designed to carry dry cargo. Services are provided to cooperatives and the public. More than 96% of the business is done with the general public, not cooperatives. 4UCTU
Marketing UCTU has been in transport business for a long time. Most customers know UCTU, when in need of transport services, customers call or come to UCTU offices located on Plot 41 Bombo Road, Kawempe. Through the network of transporters, UCTU can subcontract or be subcontracted on commission basis. Cooperatives call transport officer or manager directly. Return cargo is arrange through brokers at certain stations. 5UCTU
Transport needs. Cooperatives transport needs are for small capacities of 4-10 tonnes. UCTU needs to acquire smaller capacity vehicles to meet seasonal demands of primary and secondary cooperatives. Purchase new trucks to replace the existing old fleet. 6UCTU
Aims of transport provision To provide transport services to the cooperative movement (original objective). To make profit for sustainability. 7UCTU
Proposal to improve. Acquire small capacity trucks to provide primary transport services to cooperatives upcountry. Diversify to wet cargo/petroleum transportation. Encourage sharing of transport and other equipment among cooperators. Continuous training of drivers and mechanics as a contribution to road safety. 8UCTU
Q & A QuestionsANSWERS 9UCTU