Research: Maximising visibility using ORA Sally Rumsey The Bodleian Libraries
Maximise visibility
“Each Faculty member grants to the President and Fellows of Harvard College permission to make available his or her scholarly articles and to exercise the copyright in those articles…The policy will apply to all scholarly articles written while the person is a member of the Faculty... The Dean … will waive application of the policy for a particular article upon written request by a Faculty member … each Faculty member will provide an electronic copy of the final version of the article …. The Provost’s Office may make the article available to the public in an open-access repository... Now extends across many other faculties Now MIT & UCL as well
Conference items: Papers; Posters; Presentations Articles: Including supplementary material and extended versions; No page limit Books and book sections and chapters; Out of print Working and discussion papers Reports Questionnaires (uncompleted) Pre-prints Diagrams Research theses [Datasets [DOIs]; Audio files; Images] ORA is designed to hold any type of item produced as a result of academic research
Not provided by department websites, personal websites or necessarily by publishers Source file whatever application ‘Dark archive’ Bodleian Libraries’ commitment
Retaining a copy at Oxford
Supplementary materials Additional text (no page charges) Illustrations Diagrams Graphs [Data]
Keeping up with other researchers and universities
Persistent links
RSS feeds
Harvesting metadata
Author choice of version + versions of other item types; record only
Relationship with subject and other open access archives Other institutions’ archives
ORA for theses
Exploratory Hands-on Items in ORA Mandela [title & abstract – 2 hits] – PDF & Word author: Boehmer faculty:English supervisor:houlsby Background Research Councils UK access to research outputs ages/outputs.aspx Budapest Open Access initiative Harvard Policy hfaspolicy
Part 2 Rights and permissions
Most journal publishers permit authors to deposit their author final peer-reviewed version of an article in ORA…
…but ORA is not just about journal articles
Books and book sections m/photos/phonono/ /
Conference papers and other conference items
Reports, working and discussion papers
Grey literature [unpublished works] /photos/western4uk/ /
Help with journal publishers’ policies
Funders’ Policies You might have to find out about deposit policies if your research is externally funded
Comparing ‘green’ to ‘gold’ Gold Fully OA or Open option Cost Include costs in some funding applications Impact factor Green Make green via ORA or subject repository Publish in journal of choice No cost Immediate dissemination
Websites of interest DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals SPARC: Advocating change in scholarly communications for the benefit of researchers and society SPARC: Oxford Open (OUP’s stable of open access journals or journals with an open option) PLoS (Public Library of Science) a rapidly expanding science publisher using a fully open access model
Exploratory Hands-on Check out rights Take a look the deposit policies of some of the journals you most frequently use Use either: Or search the journal website for author permission Check funding body policy (if appropriate) Questions Does the journal allow you to deposit a version of your work in ORA? Are there any restrictions or conditions? Are there any terms or phrases that are confusing? Can make use of your work as you would wish?
Part 3: How to deposit your research in ORA
Author self- archiving [Symplectic + batch upload] Deposit by your representative Mediated deposit (ORA)
Symplectic – ORA connector
Symplectic ras/research/symplectic/
Bulk uploadsFaculty sources Other university repositories
Online form
New items Legacy items
Where to find help ORA Help & Info website ORA ORA Helpdesk Your subject librarian ORA Archive Assistant: Catherine Goudie ORA Manager: Sally Rumsey
Hands-on deposit Easy If you can access your webmail: Send an to Ask that an item be deposited into ORA. Attach a copy of the file(s) – author final peer-reviewed copy if a journal article (PDF will be used by ORA staff if permitted) Online deposit Go to Click on ‘Contribute’ Grant of licence Add data to mandatory boxes Add more data if you wish Attach the file Submit the files (it will be checked)
Questions and surgery