Dr David Wright Chair Quality Assurance and Validation Task Group How are External Examiners’ Reports Considered?
Management of quality assurance Responsibility lies with academic staff School and College - based committees –Staff - Student Committee –Teaching and Learning Committee –Board of Studies Quality Assurance and Validation Task Group (reports to Teaching and Learning Committee and Senate) Codes of Practice and Regulations
Programme review External examiner reports Module evaluations Professional body reports Staff-student committee and other feedback NSS, PTES and other surveys
Quality audit cycle Internal Quality Audit Revalidation Mid-term review
Dr Sarah Jackson reads each External Examiner report on arrival. Copies are also sent to the Head of School. Initial Processing – Academic Registry
Resolving Major Issues Reports raising major issues / problems / criticisms are sent immediately to Dr David Wright. Such reports are dealt with executively: (a) resourcing issues are brought to the attention of the PVC Teaching and Learning / Executive (b) meetings with the School to discuss and agree a plan of action for enhancement (c) External Examiner informed of actions and outcomes.
Every course is also required to address matters raised by External Examiners in their Annual Review and Development Plans (QA1 Form). These QA1’s are studied by the QAV Task Group to ensure all matters are considered and closed satisfactorily. Annual Review of Courses – QA1 Form
All reports are summarized in a table and presented to the QAV Task Group for consideration. Reports with major issues / problems / criticisms are considered individually by the QAV Task Group. QAV Task Group ensures closure on all matters. Letters are sent to External Examiners detailing the actions taken. Quality Assurance and Validation Task Group
Consideration of External Examiner reports at School level Reports made available to Programme Directors Reports considered within school-level committees Reports are made available to students No individuals should be named