5 Little Ducks Music Presentation Jenna, Gregor, Ashleigh, Hazel and Alex
Purpose Our activities are aimed at the early years – nursery and lower primary using the Five Little Ducks song We can link this to various curricular areas to contextualise and enhance the learning for young children
5 Little Ducks Song Curricular Areas 1.Language 2.Art and design 3.Drama/Movement 4.Environmental studies 5.Health and wellbeing 6.Mathematics
Language Use of books to extend children’s knowledge of ducks/animals. Looking at the words in the song – recognising rhyme, repetition, understanding what the song is about. Recognising links between written and spoken words and familiar words and letters.
Art and Design Free exploration of a range of media such as paper, paint, clay or play dough. Using a range of techniques to create art work such as collage, pointillism and finger painting. Children can make pictures of ducks using collage and the yellow paper also could make a large class wall display of the pond to tell the story. Children will investigate and use a variety of media and techniques such as painting, drawing, printing and modelling with fabrics, clay and other materials.
Drama Set context of the farm setting Discussion /improvisation of various farm animals Using music/movement/noises Role Play of the song Children would be using their bodies to express ideas and feelings in response to music and imaginative ideas
Environmental & Health Through this song children can: Learn about preserving our environment and animals that live there. Encourage responsible citizens Look at animal habitats, differences between land and water habitats. Through a circle time session look into issues of – “Have you ever been lost?” “What did you do?” “How did you feel?” “Children can care for living things, eg plants and pets at home
Maths Helps child count back from five Helps instil the correct number sequence 1-5 Allow the child to order according to size Introduces concept of ‘taking away’ Extend learning up to 10 ducks Other examples: ‘10 in the bed’, ‘5 little speckled frogs’, ‘one, two, buckle my shoe’