So you have a school link? Now what do you do with it? Dale Hardy
Why are we here? The need to rapidly raise standards through innovation Motivation & engagement Increased intercultural understanding Enhanced quality of language learning Increased uptake for ISA New technologies need not be hard work & inaccessible
Live Skype session With Gilles Morel, Primary MFL consultant in the Nantes region, Loire-Atlantique, France and it’s free!
What will you need? You will need to download the software from: And the person you will Skype with needs to have downloaded the software as well You will also need: A webcam (either free standing or in built) A microphone (internal or external). If external it can be a free standing microphone or incorporated in your webcam Once you have downloaded the software, open it and then create an account. Once you have created an account, you need to add your contacts i.e. people who already have a Skype account so that you can Skype with them.
e-safety guidelines Pdf guidelines on CD –the MFL teacher to install Skype on their laptop, set up a username and a unique strong password –Privacy settings: Open Skype and click Tools > Options > Privacy to set your preferences for receiving communications. The teacher need not accept any communication from anyone who is not on the contact list by clicking on “Only allow people in my Contact list to contact me”
Success in the classroom a teacher’s perspective Pupils ’ perspective
Flip cameras Easy to use –A quick demo for features on webcam and –audience participation –Just a few buttons to operate –Mpeg4 (mp4) format –and simplicity: plug and play via USB connec tion How have we used it? –Pupils video each other –send to link school –and for assessment –Instant playback on the whiteboard Good points: Motivates pupils It’s instant Cross curricular
Flip usage in the target language by pupils Pupils recording each otherpupils’ reaction and comments
USB video cameras Points to note –Drag and drop into a folder rather than use the software on the camera –Using Moviemaker to make a film from flip clips (edit, music, titles, voice over, transition and effects) will need a different format from MPEG to avi or wmv – see guidelines on CD –Other brands are available e.g. Samsung FlashCam
Audio recordings A lot of teachers in Nottingham City recommend the award winning Easi-Speak microphone a quick demo of the features using the webcam and audience participation –Records in mp3 format –USB connection –Keeps the learning experience authentic and exciting –Easy playback –Can re-record if need be
One step further for audio files Light in data so can be ed Can be shared on the learning platform Use Audacity to combine more audio files, edit in a sequence, add music etc. – software on CD Use mp3 audio files in Photostory, PowerPoint and Moviemaker
Another way to exchange resources The learning platform (VLE) allows you to: –Upload big files which can’t be ed –Share your teaching ideas via a forum –Upload tutorials for teachers –Watch slideshows live –Listen to mp3s live –Access your resources any time, any place
Food for thought Start small and manageable Have fun and play with the kit which is affordable/free Be adaptable with what you use – if your partner school is not ready for one approach, try another See our CD for guidelines and free software Get in touch if you need further info!
Dale Hardy Primary & Secondary Languages Consultant Nottingham City LA Tel: