Case Study Mustang Marine KTP Dr Rajesh S. Ransing Lead Academic Supervisor Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
Share experience on: Project idea to proposal Application process Working with Associate KTP Vs Research Academic Perspective
Project idea to proposal
Unstructured initial thoughts Academic Vs Routine work Business/commercial need Increase in profits and growth
Project idea to proposal Structured thoughts Academic challenges Golden thread to link business/commercial needs with academic challenges and profit and growth Two/Three year detailed work plan
Application Process Every detail counts Every word is taken seriously
Application Process BUT The process is fair They want to fund industry driven projects that satisfy KTP spirit.
Working with Associate
KTP Vs Research KTP helps research Business/commercial insight MPhil/PhD student Student projects, papers(?), travel
Conclusion Good industrial project, associate and academic. 2-3 year KTP is fun. Its a good part of research projects portfolio.