Drives theme: WP1 – Structural integration of motors and drives Dr Simon Lambert || +44 (0)
Project Plans & Objectives This work package centres on developing state of art technology to design, build and test a fully physically integrated electric drive with a headline power density of 25kW per litre for (scaled to 100kW) Examination of packaging and bonding technologies to provide best case environmental matching of power devices, passive components and machines. Examination of converter and machine modularity options for best physical integration. Can the machine circuit also be used for the dc link inductor or even the ac input filter? Development of a holistic thermal model based upon thermal characteristics of different components. Optimisation, design, build and test of a limited experimental rig, with a cooling fluid ambient of degrees. Optimisation, design, build and test of a limited experimental rig, with an ambient of 300 degrees, incorporating elements of machine, power electronics and passives.
Potential Outcomes & Exploitation Plans This work package will deliver a very high power density single demonstrator electric drive bringing together the most recent advances in Commercially available semi-conductor devices Thermal interface and management materials High speed machine design High frequency converter operation Integrated and high temperature passives The integration of such a wide ranging set of emerging technologies will result in Academic publications to disseminate project conclusions Possible IP registration Ability to demonstrate capability for high integration – industrial interest Good visibility for industrial partners with an active role (e.g. MotorDesign ltd) Proposals for further work in the area to refine what is achieved within the scope of the project
Input from the PE Community The subjects involved in the research in this work package are wide ranging. In order to achieve the goals of the work within the limits of the project it has been elected to work with commercially available materials, semi-conductors, components etc. However, it would be preferable to work with the PE community on newly emerging technology rather than established equipment Therefore we would encourage input from and collaboration with the community on; Prototype high temperature SiC and GaN power devices (e.g. 40+A, 1200V, 200+⁰C MOSFETs…) Emerging thermal interface materials (TIMs) – both conducting and insulating High temperature passive components (e.g. DC link capacitors)