Defining Student Engagement Caroline Heaton Dr Helen Kay Student Experience Team, QESS Learning and Teaching Conference 11th July 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Defining Student Engagement Caroline Heaton Dr Helen Kay Student Experience Team, QESS Learning and Teaching Conference 11th July 2012

'Student Engagement' Students' investment of time, effort and interest in educational activities, and performance. The provision of student feedback on learning and the student experience. Student participation beyond on-course learning activities (e.g. curriculum design / review). Student representation (e.g. on decision-making fora).

QAA Code of Practice: B5 The representation of the student view, by formal and informal mechanisms Deliberate steps to engage all students… as partners in the assurance and enhancement of their educational experience ications/InformationAndG uidance/Pages/quality- code-B5.aspx

Contributing to… Admission Transition Curriculum design / delivery Learning opportunities Teaching delivery Curriculum content Learning resources Student support / guidance Assessment

Define and promote opportunities to engage in educational enhancement 1 Create and maintain environment for discussion 2 Effective representation of the student voice 3 Training and support for student representatives and staff 4 Evidence-based discussion and sharing of information 5 Recognise the enhancements and the efforts of students 6 Monitor and review the effectiveness of student engagement 7

How do we…? … create and maintain and environment within which students and staff engage in discussions that aim to bring about demonstrable enhancement of the educational experience? (Indicator 2) … engage in evidence-based discussions based on the mutual sharing of information? (Indicator 5) … disseminate and jointly (with students) recognise the enhancements made to the student educational experience, and the efforts of students in achieving these successes? (Indicator 6)

How do we…? … ensure that student representatives and staff have access to training and ongoing support to equip them to fulfil their roles in educational enhancement and quality assurance effectively? (Indicator 4) What is our definition of student engagement within this context (or more broadly)? Should we draw together our principles and objectives for working with the student voice and student engagement in learning, within one framework? What is our definition of student engagement within this context (or more broadly)? Should we draw together our principles and objectives for working with the student voice and student engagement in learning, within one framework? And finally…